Example sentences of "more than [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The first Commons debate on world climate change came only two days after the prime minister 's theme-setting UN speech on the environment in November 1989 , yet at no stage in its five-hour course was it attended by more than fourteen MPs .
2 Although Mungo guessed that he was probably no more than fourteen , he seemed as old as the oldest adult .
3 John was then no more than fourteen , perhaps younger , but John Wright says that his interest in ballet and in puppets was already apparent .
4 Mindful of the aircraft 's maximum unrefuelled endurance of more than fourteen hours .
5 There were more than fourteen acts , from stand-up comics to bawdy singalongs .
6 What king got more than fourteen years ? ’
7 When he was no more than fourteen , he wrote on his own initiative to every domestic airline .
8 Throughout the coalition , there were never more than fourteen offices of cabinet or departmental rank to satisfy the combined ambition of 300–359 MPs and a large number of peers .
9 With no more than fourteen university lecturers in the whole country with a knowledge between them of five South Asian languages , there was clearly a dearth of linguistic knowledge in higher education which was unlikely to be rectified through new appointments , given the shortfalls in funding .
10 The girl was not more than fourteen .
11 They count among their number more than 70 per cent of the leaders in the executive of the African National Congress .
12 The acting commander-in-chief of the KPNLF , Dien Del , said the fighting had continued overnight and had been ‘ more than 70 per cent successful ’ .
13 Although the Hungarians chased the hapless Habsburgs out of town more than 70 years ago , in the confusing Fifties , the comrades were too preoccupied jailing and executing social deviants to strip the pretender of his nationality .
14 Mr Waldegrave said Britain was continuing to press Moscow over long-term ‘ refusenik ’ cases , and had achieved a reasonable response , with more than 70 per cent of cases raised being resolved .
15 PowerGen , backed up by representations from more than 70 independent generating companies , has told ministers that National Power will monopolise the market .
16 What is now home to the rare hen harrier , the short-eared owl and 170 species of birds , will shortly become the habitat of mechanical gorrillas , robot sharks and cheap imitations of nature as more than 70 per cent of the the 1200 acres are developed with prime riverside housing , studios and hotels .
17 Nothing wrong with that , you might think , even if it does represent more than 70 times last year 's earnings — a price-earnings ratio of Japanese proportions .
18 More than 70 per cent of murder cases were solved in 1988 and the highest rates of detection were recorded among ‘ offences against the state ’ , including the Northern Ireland Emergency Provisions Act and firearms legislation .
19 Through more than 70 years of Soviet history , Leninist logic encouraged the belief that somehow the Soviet Union , however badly run , could ignore the laws of economic gravity .
20 Channel 5 will never reach much more than 70 per cent of the population , missing out , for technical reasons , much of the South .
21 The Serbian forces ' westward drive into Bosnia fits into a map disclosed for the first time yesterday , which shows Serbian leaders intend to capture more than 70 per cent of Bosnia , leaving Croatian and Muslim populations isolated in small pockets of land .
22 In 1973 the industry came under national control and since then it has expanded from nearly 44 000 ha to more than 70 000 ha and employs more than 22 per cent of the island 's labour force .
23 The bones released from the scats as they decayed were washed down this gully , and this resulted in the separation of two distinct bone assemblages : the one remaining at the top of the hill consisted of about 60 per cent dental and jaw fragments while the one washing down the hill consisted of more than 70 per cent vertebrae .
24 The Rolls-Royce Condor diesel engine produces 900 kW of power , sufficient to drive the vehicle at more than 70 km/h across Salisbury Plain during trials last autumn .
25 Though they cover more than 70 per cent of the Earth 's surface , the rocks of the sea floor are virtually inaccessible .
26 More than 70 per cent of the females at the lake reach the water with a male already riding piggyback .
27 They have lured or chased more than 70 species of vertebrates around racetracks in the Kenyan desert , up treadmills at the field station , and over runways of force plates in Milan , all in the interests of learning , as it were , how many kilometres each model gets per litre .
28 In London the Greater London Council has found that ‘ most of central London 's sewer system is more than 70 years old , of which a substantial proportion is more than 100 years old .
29 So , while the GLC estimates that there are almost one million houses in London that are more than 70 years old and in need of modernisation , councils are having to give top priority to repairing more modern buildings .
30 By contrast , the body responsible for registering and monitoring information collected by credit reference agencies has a register of about 130 000 entries , deals with about 20 000 enquiries a year , and has a full-time staff of more than 70 .
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