Example sentences of "come in one " in BNC.

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1 As you went in to the head end where the roof bolts were still intact , it was hard to imagine that approximately forty six metre , fifty metre of gate had just come in one go .
2 However , it got so bad one day — I think he had been discussing this with his father because he used to go home sometimes at the weekends and come back to the flat on Monday — and he came in one day and said , ‘ OK , it 's going to be cabaret ’ .
3 ‘ Another story was that Bruce came in one day with Rumer , our baby girl , and said , ‘ That 's mommy .
4 Pinned above Beth 's bed , next to the card proclaiming her to be a spiritualist , was a photograph of a male dancer from the newly formed Royal Ballet , and I came in one day soon after I arrived at Huntingdon to find a knot of giggling girls peering up at this dancer , who was poised on one foot , wearing an agonised expression and very tight tights .
5 An odd move , to be sure , at a time when prices were falling — and in a rather smart street , too , where such a venture would not be guaranteed to make him instantly popular with the neighbours , as customers came in one door and noisome smells came out of another .
6 Then Jerk came in one night and tightened our chains .
7 Well We came in one morning , the electrician and I , about five instead of seven , because we 'd done and er we used to nip in and kip down with the horses for ten minutes which was forbidden , to sleep in the colliery .
8 Street School , I was th there on only there a year , and the headmaster came in one day , he was another Liberal politician .
9 He came in one day and asked what M C C stood for , and I 've always known a lot of useless information , so I could tell him , so I was then dispatched everyday to the erm radio shop in the High Street , to get the cricket scores in Australia .
10 I prayed that condoms were like stretch stockings and all came in one size .
11 We both came in one day and said we felt a bit odd after reading all that , we felt there were psychological jammers in the thing
12 Greyabbey 's Dickie Curran came in one second behind in third with European championship contender John McAllister from Strabane coming in a well deserved fourth .
13 The third came in one of the airport buses , accompanied by an elderly woman doctor .
14 He came in one afternoon and started painting black and white stripes round the fuselage and wings , when asked the reason for this he said it was a new allied marking .
15 There was once years and years ago , he came in one night and I gave him these three pieces of paper and er what was it ?
16 Cos I 've the bill for the hotel it came in one lump as two hundred and four pound .
17 And I came in one day a few days ago an and running around like a bee on heat with erm cries of oh I 've got so much to do and no time left in which to do it and I went ha I said yes , if you got up early , you know !
18 does , , he came in one day and I said that we really do n't travel a lot you know
19 Or is this perhaps my old friend Bernard Ingham coming in one more time to help the lady of his adoration ?
20 This may come in one of two forms :
21 COMIC Mike Reid faced an audience of only 300 — and joked : ‘ Did you come in one car ? ’
22 Ian did come in one Saturday
23 Hulme agreed , ‘ If you were to come from up north and work for certain London councils and come in one morning and say ‘ Hello , chucky ducky lover ’ it would be instant dismissal . ’
24 This time the four definitive gricers ' bibles of the time come in one small , hardbacked ( and thus very easily pocketed ) volume with many pictures and full shed lists ( complete with the names of Loco Superintendents and Chief Mechanical Engineers ? ) which would have been important information for spotters of the time .
25 Yeah , they would , let the bake it we used to Danish foods and cos we used to have a Danish er , we used to have erm Polish ship come in one week and an English ship come in the next week and the , the bacon was just pigs were all killed , wrapped in sacking and tied with string , and they used to be laid in the hold like that .
26 In some firms you come in one morning and find you no longer have a desk to work at .
27 Put hens in his bed and he come in one night and there was a s a man a stray man you ken an effigy of a man like and it was hanging by the neck from a rafter in the house .
28 And another fella come in one suj one subject and he 's been there most of time , you know .
29 Well , the short answer to this comes in one word , experience .
30 ‘ Jimmy Montgomery comes in one day a week to coach the goalkeepers , and he raves about young Adrian Swan .
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