Example sentences of "my [noun sg] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's about getting a little of my sanity back again . ’
2 ‘ Umm , I just turn my guitar up as far as it will go , ’ explains the puzzled axe hero .
3 When it 's a good show , I just wish I could put my guitar down and really join in .
4 When it 's a good show , I just wish I could put my guitar down and really join in .
5 For me , as a guitar player , the first thing I did was plug my guitar in !
6 The lad 's Jake , every inch ; it turns my heart over , times , to see him .
7 For the first time since I cried my heart out in Puerto Rico — I was crying .
8 To this , Joseph protested : ‘ If I could , I would take my heart out and hold it in my hand and let the Great Father and the white people see that there is nothing in it but kind feelings and love for him and them . ’
9 My Heart Out again .
10 I always do my best , run my heart out , give one hundred per cent for the athletics fans , and I like to believe that they in turn appreciate that , as well as the fact that I do run a lot in Britain .
11 ‘ He 'd struck me as a very kind , caring man , so I rang him and found myself pouring my heart out . ’
12 ‘ Perhaps when I get back to London I 'll invest in a pet , a dog , or maybe a cat , and then I can pour my heart out whenever I want to . ’
13 I could have stayed in London of course , eating my heart out for you as I have done ever since you put your head down on to your bread and butter here in this room and burst into tears ; but the combination of Christmas , and not having seen you in months drove me to a railway station and this morgue of a house .
14 It was more than a shock I put my head in my in my hand and I remember kneeling right at this spot and just crying my heart out .
15 He found me one day , crying my heart out , and because he was the sort of man he was — kind , sympathetic — I told him .
16 I was down there serenading my heart out and they all started to pop their heads out of the window .
17 It tears my heart out whenever I hear of a mining tragedy and because I am not there to help or even to sympathise , something inside me feels the need to shout to all people , southerners especially who have never had fathers , husbands , sons to worry about when each day they are swallowed into the apron of the earth .
18 Yeah but it 's not good that I 'm clocking , slugging my heart out .
19 It was late at night and I decided , I was just sort of talking I 'd say , I ca n't get rid of this headache , and I do n't know what I 'm gon na do , I do n't whether I should just not worry about it cos I 'm not that old , and I was really pouring my heart out to him , and he turns round and he says , yeah , you need a new clutch you really need a new clutch .
20 I could tell you my story up until then , but it happened to someone else , an imaginary character . ’
21 ‘ I went on to a party in Cambridge after I 'd been catching swifts , and in the middle of the party a horrible large green thing , a flightless parasitic fly , found on swifts , crawled crabwise out of my hair on to my dinner jacket — it was a dinner jacket sort of party .
22 I 'd forgotten to fetch something to put my hair up with , and so I brushed it into a ponytail and held it in place with a pair of knickers from the airing cupboard , which I twisted round and used like a scrunchie .
23 Then I put my hair up with one hand and pretended I was a model .
24 And I usually pin my hair up and stick it under a baseball cap .
25 But Miss used to take me out into here , to the teachers cloak room and and er er plait my hair up again and s say to me , I 'll take it out before you go away Isa , because there was It was n't a clean place in Kirkwall .
26 I put my hair up , belt my waist with a red suede sash from Los Angeles and pencil my lips a deep red .
27 I wanted to wear my hair up in a knot but Elise said you 'd prefer it loose like this . ’
28 Do n't mess my hair up there 's a good girl .
29 Look if I take my hair off I 'm gon na finish up with an old girl with a bloody Zimmer frame .
30 One of the women cut my hair off .
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