Example sentences of "about women 's " in BNC.

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1 Although arguments about women 's impurity are not used explicitly in the statements of the Vatican and various national episcopacies against women 's ordination , they are implied .
2 We were like that about women 's lib .
3 But you think it 's perfectly all right to talk about women 's tits and bums and stick pictures of them up all over the place .
4 To extrapolate what they might say about women 's experience under patriarchy on the basis of comments about the reading material they choose is quite a leap .
5 When we were doing Today 's History at six , for example , Juliet Gardiner did a particular programme about women 's history .
6 Well , when we were doing the long-running series , Today 's History , it seemed perfectly sensible to do a programme about women 's history , along with a number of other things which were n't adequately covered .
7 Lynne Segal 's previous Virago book Is the Future Female ? was a spirited discussion of the nature and function of ‘ femininities ’ , especially in recent decades ; published in 1987 , at the most politically depressing period of Thatcherism when the socialist-feminist vision seemed a distant memory or hopeless pipedream , Segal defended her optimism about women 's astonishing progress since the 1960s , and about the fracturing of gender identities which she saw as irreversible .
8 About Women 's Trouble
9 The argument about women 's choices over their bodies is largely a red herring .
10 ‘ Birth control is n't just about the population problem , it 's about women 's autonomy , ’ she said .
11 Large rapper Chubb Rock is here , and so is an unidentifiable American HM band who talk about women 's bums all the time .
12 Take A League Of Their Own , Penny Marshall 's comedy about women 's baseball during WWII , which stars Madonna and Geena Davis and has coined it in America .
13 Feminists who are not linguists also have strong folklinguistic beliefs about women 's speech , and they are — once again — reminiscent of the beliefs of anti-feminists , though of course the feminists interpret them differently .
14 From Jespersen to Lakoff to the feminist in the discussion group , people who talk about women 's language have a regrettable propensity to overlook this problem .
15 All in all , then , claims about women 's conservatism are stereotypical , sexist and in many cases just plain wrong .
16 For instance , difference theorists dislike the implication that everything about women 's behaviour can be traced simply to their subordination , and this resistance has a lot to recommend it .
17 Lush do n't sing about the sort of thing that Hole and Babes sing about , but it does n't say anything less worthwhile about women 's experience .
18 Information and resource centre about women 's health issues , providing lists of clinics offering donor insemination services .
19 It did not worry about women 's invisibility precisely because it accepted prevailing views that politics should be left to men , that the proper forum for female participation is inevitably the family and that the main function of the politically competent woman is to socialise the children and to filter the needs of home and family into the political system .
20 We were aware that women have exercised and do exercise certain kinds of power given particular social arrangements ; we were aware too of the need for new ways of thinking about power which would allow us to answer questions about women 's authority , power , influence and status in different times and places .
21 It will be apparent that much of this discussion has concerned emotional support given to women rather than men , because there is far more empirical evidence about women 's close relationships , largely leaving invisible the question of where men derive their emotional support .
22 Instead she suggests that the content of the formal curriculum should be entirely overhauled : ‘ for girls to become a more powerful group , they must be given some understanding of females ' past powerlessness … in other subject areas , like English literature , social studies , art , biology and — where it is taught — psychology , there is a similar need to examine what girls are learning about women 's abilities and potential , and therefore what they should ( realistically ) expect for themselves ’ ( Hannon , 1979 , p. 115 ) .
23 Men seemed happier to think their sexual inadequacies were emotional rather than physical ; they 'd rather believe women want affection and tenderness than think about women 's nitty gritty physical needs .
24 Issues about women 's autonomy have been central to feminist thinking and action .
25 Feminist thinking does not , of course , exist in a vacuum , and in thinking about women 's autonomy , feminists have drawn on different ( and conflicting ) approaches to questions about the human self , some of which have a long history .
26 The Pill was as much about men 's sexual liberation as it ever was about women 's , because it purged their fear of paternity .
27 ( Gladstone was not the only public figure to join the chorus about women 's " nimble fingers " being particularly suited to the trade ; " and fifty years earlier , Napoleon on being shown round a printing office had growled that it was " women 's work " . )
28 This was a dispute about future technology as much as about women 's labour .
29 While the state has made no attempt to erode traditional ideas about women 's role in society through the schools , many teachers are aware of the problem :
30 Ideas and opinions about women 's issues and the degree of priority they should be given at this stage vary considerably , but it is more than apparent that there are many who now believe that a new society would be incomplete without changes in women 's position .
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