Example sentences of "about the world " in BNC.

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1 Kate Millett and William Kunstler went about the world protesting against the trial on the grounds that it was ‘ political ’ .
2 It was because he was so alert , so curious about the world , about books and films , that Ghatak could never take the easy way out .
3 If it really is the case that all I am doing when I have beliefs about the world is to have dispositions to behave , then it ought to make sense for me to think of my believing in those terms .
4 His representation of Jocasta was , as are all representations , incomplete ; and his behaviour was driven by this representation of the woman not by some physical fact about the world .
5 So , to introduce Fodor 's terminology , the mechanisms for delivering up packaged information about the world ( a parsed sentence , a representation of a three-dimensional object … ) he calls the input systems .
6 Agreeing that naïve empiricism is insufficient and that language does not tell us about the world in any simple , unmediated , or transparent way , they still believe that a sense of reality can be conveyed by language ( the position derided as mere ‘ common sense ’ by the Newest Criticism ) .
7 When , I wonder , did it become fashionable for politicians to talk not about the world but about the planet ?
8 Man is endowed with an insatiable curiosity about himself and about the world around him , in his perception of which his own nature finds its reflection .
9 This powerfully confirmed the way in which Tolkien had been accustoming himself to think about the world ever since he grew to manhood .
10 What writers from past centuries believed about the world , the sky , themselves is often untranslatable , and we will never quite master it without the help of a guide .
11 It focused his mind on the future and about the world that his small and fragile son would one day inherit .
12 They work by building into the database some knowledge about the world it records .
13 It is , rather , that the very idea of a body of knowledge about the world , of the sort we have now , the very idea of a natural science , was being forged at the time .
14 Those of you ( few , I hope ) who answer these questions in the wrong way , the stupid Philistine way , might as well close this book now and go walking about the world pretending to be real .
15 The thing is , he says he knows a lot about the world , he knows what men are like , he says he 's just worried for me .
16 To do this , I must rely on the truth of a number of facts about the world , and about the optical properties of my eyes .
17 What will South African television do about the World Rugby Cup due to be played there in 1995 ?
18 Now it seems to me that for Dorothy Heathcote man 's curiosity about the world is the very source of her interest in drama , of her interest in history , of her interest in education and indeed , of her interest in Life .
19 He hardly knew a thing about the world and had not seen the sun for twenty-five years .
20 Living things use the energy of visible light as a source of information about the world .
21 Leopold related the news , and the Archbishop 's excuse for not having allowed father and son to travel the previous year : ‘ he said that he could not tolerate people going about the world begging ’ ( 31 August 1778 ) .
22 And , while fighting shy of political commitment , Bourdieu , like many , remains committed to the belief that the point is still not just to interpret , analyse or agonize about the world , but to change it .
23 Combine this with that other Victorian myth , nature red in tooth and claw , and are n't vampires the very incarnation of deepest fears about the world of the selfish gene ?
24 Whereas Herodotus transformed ‘ history ’ ( historia ) from a general enquiry about the world into an enquiry about past events , Thucydides believed that serious history could be concerned only with the present , or the immediate past .
25 Travellers may be inquisitive about the world , but they also travel to make discoveries about themselves .
26 About life , about the world , and above all , about him .
27 When numerical data is used for making generalizations about the world this is usually based on limited information or samples .
28 Television can be a positive influence : it may ( in moderation ) give brighter children a faster start in their pre-school years and make the dull children a little more knowledgeable about the world .
29 But , using that term in its colloquial sense ‘ in which an item of information is a piece of fact , a factual claim about the world , presented as being true ’ ( Wilson ( 1968 ) , p 17 ] , we are particularly focussing here on that portion of the total external information resource which is ‘ publicly available ’ .
30 Before any ‘ factual claim about the world ’ becomes publicly available , someone — some person — must have formulated that claim into a meaningful statement .
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