Example sentences of "about the government " in BNC.

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1 The churchmen were less buoyant , having presented Mr de Klerk with a memorandum in which they listed six steps he had to take ‘ immediately ’ before negotiations about the government 's much-vaunted new political dispensation could start .
2 In a vote of confidence on 28 March about the government 's handling of the industrial crisis , the Liberals , the Scottish Nationalists , and most of the Ulster MPs voted with the Conservatives , while the government enlisted the support only of the 3 Welsh Nationalists , 2 Scottish Labour , and 2 Ulstermen .
3 The Times again complained about the government 's loss of radical purpose .
4 Outside the EMS , the markets would become worried once again about the Government 's real commitment to exchange rate stability .
5 ‘ I will be calling upon the minister at the Housing Consultative Council to think again about the Government 's policy of reducing housing benefits and increasing council house rents , ’ he said .
6 The chairman of the committee , Mr Hugh Rossi , was concerned about the Government 's alternative plans to pump the sewage into the sea through long pipelines without treating the bacteria .
7 On the other , whatever tactical voting takes place will benefit Labour and the Liberal Democrats , and — as any Tory canvasser will attest — many Tory waverers remain deeply unhappy about the Government 's handling of the economy .
8 This will involve tone as much as doctrine , but he would be as ill-advised to go on about the Government 's intention of building a classless society , which it ca n't build anyway , as to adopt the easy belief that the climate of opinion can be left to look after itself while ministers get on with the practical business of government .
9 But it was also clear that the longer the inquiry went on , the more it would coincide with the growing national debate about the government 's proposals to privatize the electricity industry .
10 Others were unenthusiastic about the government 's notion of fair competition .
11 New Scientist mourned the decay of that Victorian exuberance , the seaside pier , described Eire as a hive of electronic industry and indicated foreboding about the government 's attitude to forking out money for wave power schemes , at the same time laying out all the arguments for and against test-tube babies .
12 The Prime Minister believes his overwhelming need in the last week is to overcome scepticism about the government 's ability to deliver recovery , restore growth , and resume the increase in living standards that 20th-century electorates regard as a right .
13 Regional brewers are nervous about the Government 's decision .
14 The Guinness Affair aroused serious public concern specifically about the government 's competition policy , but more generally about self-regulation in the City , leading to calls for statutory framework .
15 Critics of privatisation extend their concern about the government 's accounting procedures , seen as a ‘ cooking of the books ’ , to the whole principle of selling assets ( ie capital ) to finance current spending .
16 The Church has criticised the great emphasis placed on individualism rather than collectivism , and has complained about the government 's over-reliance on market forces .
17 A small-scale survey conducted among 300 undergraduates in Shanghai in early 1985 found pessimism about the government 's measures to improve the political and material status of Chinese intellectuals .
18 THE only thing that puzzles me about the Government decision to ban the Northern Irish Protestant terror gang , the UDA , is why it has taken them so long to do it .
19 Unfortunately , if it happened now , I could n't be very optimistic about the government producing the sums of money that would be involve .
20 Although both Kirk and Hargreaves support a common curriculum they have major reservations about the government 's proposals .
21 Throughout the official documents there is a disclaimer about the government 's intention .
22 Lilley was blatant about the government 's intention to tax the benefit , saying it was simply a matter of timing and overcoming the practical difficulties involved .
23 The smell could get nastier , as the Matrix-Churchill case produces new revelations about the government 's past arms-to-Iraq policy .
24 In the two months since the right 's crushing victory at the polls , Mr Mitterrand has only twice expressed ‘ reservations ’ about the government 's plans ( on its proposals for tightening up on law and order , and on its latest privatisation ideas ) .
25 He has said nothing about the government 's economic package , with its plan for a FFr68 billion rise in taxes .
26 News about the government attracted attention ; politics and parties were less popular .
27 If they were to behave sensibly , the railwaymen could count upon public sympathy , for there is widespread unease about the Government 's attitude to the railways .
28 Was the V. & A. 's Chairman trying to tell us something about the government 's degree of responsibility for the staff restructuring plans announced by the V. & A. 's Director and rashly endorsed by himself in 1989 ?
29 doing things like that but I I I I believe quite strongly what Angela 's saying er , if you came to me and presented something ba ba , a total er , conviction that it might be in a sense damaging er the er the the the concept people have of your subject , or might have I would listen very carefully to that , and I also ta , I remember Gordon saying some time ago and whilst Gordon drove me crackers he talked about the government saying you 've got ta do this , you 've go and he said there are things that we must believe in as educationalists ourselves , and professionalists
30 we we , we were hearing from Jenny about the government , but we we must look into other parties I mean there 's a general election going to be coming off soon , we , we as carers should be looking into who is going to benefit us .
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