Example sentences of "about the [adj -est] " in BNC.

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1 He works till lunch , then wanders into the kitchen and has long argument with Tony , or perhaps a discussion about the best way to cook trout or whether or not to sack the gardener .
2 If you 've got a job outside the home , it 's a good ideas to talk to your doctor and to your employer about the best time for you to stop work .
3 The hostel staff advised us about the best areas for walking , and also arranged for the essential guide , to keep us on the right path and to protect us from the buffalo .
4 Sir : The residents of this once tranquil village have been bickering for years about the best way to deal with increasing traffic .
5 Better still , would be to think again about the best sort of accommodation for these sensitive areas .
6 He tried to educate them about the nature of demythologizing , a word of which the press had got hold , and to guide them about the best modern writing on the New Testament .
7 ‘ What I have been interested to witness over the last year to 18 months is a newly confident Left in the Socialist International saying we have a common formulation about the best way to proceed .
8 To find out more about the best sorts of plants to choose for cutting , I asked Daphne Love who , with her husband Sid , has written the Wisley Handbook Flower Arranging from the Garden .
9 Your weekly shopping list will probably change ; you need to think about the best ways to do this for you .
10 As I see it , these three attitudes are not different theories about what the brain is like , but three different views about the best way to study it .
11 Bitter controversy about the best way of saving the tower caused long delays .
12 A decision needs to be reached about the best time in the day to hold the event .
13 There should be discussion between governors and the head about the best ways in which they can work together to complement each other 's efforts .
14 Having consulted the therapists about the best type of activity to choose for the patient , you may be able to work out how best to interest and amuse the patient through your knowledge of what he enjoyed doing before his stroke or head injury .
15 Some use an unseen ‘ expert ’ , who talks about the best way of propagating plants with polysyllabic Latin names .
16 When you know what you are trying to convey , then you think about the best possible or the most exciting or exhilarating way of communicating this .
17 You need to be aware of all the possibilities in order to make a realistic decision about the best way of securing your long-term employment and financial position .
18 So they made different decisions about the best places for their industries .
19 Aware of the need for effective practical techniques of odour control , in June 1971 , the Department of the Environment set up a working party with the following terms of reference : ‘ To examine the problems of unpleasant odours emitted by offensive and selected other trades , and to make recommendations about the best practicable means for their minimisation and suppression ’ .
20 During the first few weeks in a Home everyone concerned with the resident , and of course the resident too , will be thinking about the best care for the person .
21 There is an animal excitement about the best parts of this CD that is enormously refreshing .
22 Decisions on these matters are as equally vital as industrial location but things are not so clear-cut in this sphere because it is subject to political controversy about the best means of achieving political goals .
23 Therefore there is considerable room for choice in the form of work organisation to be adopted , and the one that suits management 's often unexamined assumptions about the best way does not have to be chosen .
24 About the best and most durable of these , in the early days , was phenol-formaldehyde or ‘ Bakelite ’ .
25 So if you 'd like to find out more about the best conference facilities in Europe call Jill Staples now on 021– .
26 It 's about the best thing we 've ever done .
27 The pupil with sight defects should be encouraged to contribute to discussion about the best presentation of material for his individual needs , as well as the most useful visual aids to use for independent study .
28 She was n't a pretty woman , but to Erlich 's eye she was about the best there could be .
29 The resulting footage has to be about the best combat recreation ever put into a film can .
30 The views are still tremendous in the Lakes , but sitting down to be surrounded by two or three belligerent sheep whose main occupation in life is to steal my cheese and pickle sandwich is about the best way of spoiling a good day out .
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