Example sentences of "well as [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 I recognise that it may also be tinged with a note of bias , for I passionately believe with the project organisers that school and community are parallel and co-operative agencies in the education of young children , and that to establish understanding , as well as to promote real creativity , children should begin reading and learning in the language they speak at home .
2 The Communists became the most active supporters of the war and were able to revive their previous connections on the Left as well as to capitalize on the rapidly increasing resentment against the pre-war Conservative Party .
3 The techniques of field work in local history and geography , the techniques of using books , reference guides and libraries , the ability to " read " pictures and to assess critically film and television material , as well as to use creatively the various facilities and pieces of equipment that now exist , are valuable facets of the educated individual , and each type of activity offers a possible key to individual confidence and interest in learning .
4 It means that energy is required to overcome the friction as well as to move forward .
5 They may be irritable children who are generally difficult to care for as well as to feed ( Powell and Low 1983 ) .
6 They hired the first agent , ‘ Digs ’ , of Oxford Street , to manage as well as to let their flat .
7 Alfred was an occasional visitor to his kinsman Doniert and stayed with him at Liskeard to hunt the red deer and wild boar as well as to visit St. Gueryr , a friend of St. Neot skilled in healing , Alfred not being a well man .
8 No longer Deputy Chairman , she was now , officially , Design Director , to be concerned with the artistic philosophy of the group as well as to oversee the development of the new product collections .
9 The Garden , under its Director Professor D.S. Ingram , specialises in taxonomic botany , which serves as a backbone to studies of biodiversity , biotechnology , and applied botanical research , as well as to plant physiology , genetics and many other plant-based sciences .
10 Another typical submissive pattern is for people to cling to their hard luck stories , as well as to put themselves down .
11 In 1974 , visiting the northern region of the Maramureş , one of the districts richest in the everyday survival of peasant customs and dress , Ceauşescu told a group of folk-artists that adhering to traditions was one way of developing a communist country : ‘ I appreciate … these true works of popular art as an expression of your commitment to maintain the dress and customs of [ your ] ancestors , as well as to weave them tightly with that which is new , … because only in this way will we build a strong socialist society . ’
12 Opium was probably known in Roman if not in Greek times , and was used to promote sleep as well as to relieve pain .
13 Programmes of public works were proposed by the Minority , to be planned on a long-term basis designed to forestall , as well as to relieve , depression .
14 The first will deal with the implications of central government attempts to ‘ Indonesianise ’ Bali through such means as administrative changes and television , as well as to examine the effects of local development programmes and the expanding tourist industry .
15 Having to repeat things constantly , as well as to listen to the same comments over and over again , can tax the patience of all but a saint .
16 Universities can now apply for funds to found postgraduate departments as well as to create academic research institutes linking universities with the industrial and business world .
17 In practice , however , such arrangements have often tended to cause further confusion ( particularly for consumers ) , as well as to create acrimony between the authorities concerned .
18 The answer is fast , focused , relevant information ; information that enables senior executives to formulate and review strategy as well as to monitor performance .
19 Mechanisms could easily be incorporated to reduce the chance of name and ethnicity determining the likelihood of being shortlisted , as well as to monitor discrimination .
20 It 'll be a way to acknowledge the end of an era as well as to acknowledge the people who contributed to it over the last 20 years .
21 Music serves to identify and unify members of the group , as well as to entertain .
22 We should choose to promote environmentally aware and responsible science — as well as to prioritise investment in environmental science itself .
23 I have argued elsewhere that Pound was prepared to take instruction , as well as to give it ; that when he first came to London in 1908 , he was looking for masters to whom he might apprentice himself ; that he found them in the Irishman W.B. Yeats and the maverick Englishman Ford Madox Ford ( whose professionalism about writing still denies him in England the recognition that he gets abroad ) ; and ( so I have speculated , though I know it can not be proved ) that Pound sought the same relationship with another Englishman , Laurence Binyon , who was too cagey to go along with the idea .
24 Kerry ) , deliberately developed the breed as a small animal able to fatten as well as to give house milk , probably by selection from the local mountain dairy cattle , and gave his name to the breed by the early nineteenth century .
25 It may seem at times that there is little common ground between the two generations , but if a parent is patient and ready to take an interest , and to listen as well as to give advice or pass criticism , there is plenty to talk about and share together .
26 Attempts to reconcile these imbalances , as well as to deal with other rural problems , have formed the basis for the work of a growing number of rural geographers in the field of rural planning .
27 The other ships would remain offshore , and dispatch launches to set men ashore around the coastline of the gulf , to make their presence felt in the countryside , as well as to circle around and prevent the escape of any rebels or corrupt officials .
28 The sensitive leader needs to watch and listen as well as to lead strongly .
29 Nor was it in 1967 , when decisions to disenfranchise as well as to enfranchise were a possibility .
30 The state bureaucracy , it was claimed , could be reduced to save money and time , as well as to allow direct contact between the Party and the people .
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