Example sentences of "could go down " in BNC.

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1 She could go down in history as the leader who pulled us back from the brink . ’
2 ‘ Four years ' work and $12 million could go down the tubes , ’ said Conner .
3 On a Sunday , they could go down to chapel , the old girls 'd to go down one side of the aisle , they 'd go down the other , the old men , tried to put his hand out , touch the old lady …
4 They could go down to Beachy Head .
5 You mean to say you could go down our steps there and if you keep goin' you 'd come out on the water ? ,
6 WE ALL , I reckon , feel a nostalgia for the days before the First World War when we read that travel was simpler and you could go down to Victoria and light out for the Continent without bothering about a passport .
7 I knew he could punch but I did n't know Razor could go down as quickly as that . ’
8 She could go down into the town centre and look at the shops , have a cup of coffee somewhere , get back to her mother-in-law by four .
9 ‘ There 's a path , ’ Carrie 's daughter said , ‘ A bit slippy and slimy , but we could go down if you like ’ .
10 ‘ We could go down , all the same . ’
11 A couple of hrududil could go down some of those holes . "
12 How about I could I could go down and just go to some places in Hull on spec .
13 Then we could go down on the line and wave it , ’ said Peter .
14 ‘ We could go down the coast from Losan , ’ Tulagai said .
15 We the both together you could g you could go down either shaft , but you had three doors to come through from one pit to the other .
16 ‘ I 'd been advised to wait nine to 12 months so that my blood levels could go down , ’ she says .
17 But you could go down there , you could get clothes , the fitted made-to-measure suits .
18 ‘ One of the tissues could go down here , between the grass and the base of the gazebo . ’
19 Perhaps she could go down next time there was a one-day match and drive him to Taunton herself , interview some of the club 's officers , work something up .
20 Well there 's certain parts that just the basic , like you could , I could go down and show you , but there 's others parts it takes a lot of years
21 Three pennyworth of corned beef , er and then you , you , you could go down on to the fish and chip shop in Street .
22 And they used to run from here to Harwich , Felixstowe , that used to be their run , all run by the you could you could get a bus oh you could go down go on them boats and you go to Harwich , Felixstowe and then get off at Felixstowe and come on the bus if you wanted to .
23 ‘ I suppose you could go down , ’ he said soothingly .
24 ‘ I could go down on my knees , ’ he said .
25 I reckon Norwich are on a very fine line between being a half decent side , and one which could go down .
26 it might well be that one of the one of the forms could go down there to have a morning as part of this project to do
27 They could go down to the Sain Caernarfon League .
28 Suppose we could go down the Rainbow and have a look at that microwave .
29 Well we could go down and watch it if you like .
30 I could go down .
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