Example sentences of "then [verb] over " in BNC.

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1 I often start with something agreeable such as a head which I will then paint over .
2 She was present at the birth of the Blessed Virgin , who was then given over to her care for twelve years , and at the Visitation and the birth of St John the Baptist and even at the birth of the Saviour , when she was allowed to provide bedding for the Virgin and swathing-clothes for the Child .
3 We went on forward into a narrow passage beside yards of hot hammering engine of more than head height , throbbingly painful to the senses , and then passed over a coupling into another engine , even longer , even noisier , even hotter , the very stuff of hell .
4 Six fighters then passed over but made no attempt to strafe .
5 His own hand came round like Sikes 's , and then passed over his brow .
6 Wax resist Shapes can be drawn with wax candles and then painted over — the paint will not be absorbed by the waxed areas .
7 ‘ Ah ! ’ she says , and then goes over to the other side of the shop .
8 Complete all reps on one leg and then change over .
9 brick inset was all the brick and then plastered over and that gave the black and white effect , but that was the original and the , the proper way to do it
10 What I want you to practice doing is to try and get yourself saying over and over again regardless of how the other person tries to ask you questions to get you out of it , and then swap over .
11 He ordered a cloak to be draped and tied round the body which was then slung over a horse and they continued on their way to the Abbey of Holy Rood .
12 The karateka then glances over his shoulder in the direction the kick is going to travel — the look should be only a very quick glance , not a prolonged stare .
13 Oh yes er I think somebody kept it around father 's day , a chap named , but it was a beautiful old place and he always , because my father always used to erm start off about seven o'clock in the morning to walk down to Walkers and er call in at the White Hart because they were open at six o'clock in the morning , for a rum and coffee for about tuppence or thruppence , then he always used to er go to his mother 's for his breakfast and er he used to go down and see all the men start off and then , then slip over to his mother 's , she lived on the Road and er she , for years and years this went on that he had his break he never had his breakfast at home he 'd start off going down there and come back to his mother 's , but he always stopped at the White Hart for his rum and coffee
14 In the end , she threw her pencil across the room in frustration , then paced over to the window .
15 The metal giant danced then crashed over .
16 Use the brush to soften the outline , then pencil over lips before applying lipstick .
17 To keep the flies away , crush garlic cloves in boiling water , allow to cool and then sponge over horse .
18 He drank water from the pitcher , then staggered over to the basin on the table and thrust his head into it , the chill water making him gasp .
19 No sir , my job was then to pass over to Mr who made the ultimate decision as to what to do about the incident .
20 Steve Astington says he was a rock climber and then moved over to marathons … this is his thirteenth … you have to put a lot of training in … he does them for the enjoyment it takes him away from life and all the stresses
21 Stir in the cornflour , Sweetex Granulated , orange and lemon rind , then cook over a low heat stirring constantly until the mixture boils and thickens .
22 After a while , of course , the woebegone aspect of the crossed-in-love becomes very irritating , especially if one is being unjustly blamed for it , so Lydia ripped out the last of the fluff that formed , as it were , the bird 's underclothes , rose to her feet gripping her pheasant by its knees , and then bent over and kissed Beuno .
23 ‘ I 'll have a bath and then nip over home for my dancing shirt , ’ said Otley , looking at me .
24 Or you could live there , rig up your personal computer and play the Stock Exchange and the Bourse at the same time and then nip over to the West End for a show . ’
25 Then looking over her shoulder , she enquired , ‘ Are you coming up to see Great-gran ? ’ and began to walk towards the door .
26 Then flick over to there .
27 While the officials , commentators and chess groupies then lingered over an enjoyable buffet , the players and their seconds rushed off to put the finishing touches to six months of preparations .
28 He then came over to [ a WPC ] to tell her it was n't really an accident .
29 In our bungalow we also have Sister Susan , a Franciscan Sister of Atonement , an order which began as Anglican at the turn of the century , and then came over to Rome .
30 Pipkin , who looked round for Hazel and then came over to wait beside him .
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