Example sentences of "could [vb infin] what " in BNC.

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1 This evolution of human society could explain what mechanisms had produced the ideas , principles , and processes which governed capitalism , why these had come about , why they had strength , and , ultimately , where their weakness was .
2 Perhaps Labour 's leadership could explain what has happened to the SDLP since 1981 to make it capable of bringing Catholic and Protestant workers together .
3 Before she could explain what she meant , Mr Hollins was laughing at her .
4 The only creature who could explain what had happened was Devon Loch , and he was not in a position to give interviews .
5 Your mother could explain what happened but I have not seen her since she dialled 999 and packed her suitcase .
6 However , if more recent species could descend from earlier ones , ancestry could explain what adaptation could not .
7 It was arranged that the husband would telephone Lawyer D , after discussing the matter with his wife , so that Lawyer D could explain what was involved .
8 I did n't even think I could explain what I was afraid of .
9 If they proved that they could deliver what they promised , well and good .
10 You could make what you liked of it .
11 For a moment , neither Mungo nor Emily could think what he was talking about .
12 When it was all over and the table was bare and no one could think what to say , then they noticed that Delia Sutherland was gone .
13 They could think what I done was totally out of order.I mean it was only forgery , but they could think it was , you know …
14 People could think what they liked about her mental state , as long as they did n't stand in her way .
15 There had to be a perfectly simple explanation to all this — if only she could think what it was .
16 Nicolo Sabatini could think what he liked ; after today , she 'd never see him again .
17 erm , so I would come up the town with you if I could think what for
18 Actually I could blackmail what people
19 ‘ Gone are the days when you could buy what you wanted with a pair of Levi jeans and a Jerry Lee Lewis album , ’ commented Myeloski .
20 The most unusual styles to see around today could include what pass for country , city-sophisticated , improvised junk , garden room , Italian modern , French ( Louis Le-whatever ) uncompromisingly antique or whatever period is chosen ( Georgian , Jacobean ) industrial ( high-tech or creative salvage ) , art deco and art nouveau .
21 If you could catch what he said , it was often extremely funny , but hearing him was a problem .
22 It was at last year 's parade that Elham gave him the idea when she said : ‘ I wish I could enjoy what I am experiencing here , but back in my mind there are too many innocent children left with no hopes and no future .
23 One could not know what an experience was like without knowing whether it was pleasurable or not , but one could know what it was like without recognizing its value , even though this follows necessarily from its being like just what it was .
24 It would have helped to have had something to read in the quiet of my own home , so I could know what to expect in the future .
25 If there were only a few , each could know what the others were doing and all would be aware of being watched .
26 Then she was closing her eyes in an agony of resistance , as if making that hand invisible could prevent what she knew was going to happen .
27 Over lunch we decided that we could repeat what we had done at Muirfield Village and take all Four fourballs and five hours later it was done .
28 I could sense what you felt inside .
29 For the first time she could sense what it must be like to possess the surgeon 's power almost of life and death , the satisfaction of knowing your actions had helped to save a life or bring a new one into the world , and she had been a part , albeit a small one , of the drama .
30 They could study what they chose , in the order they chose , and there would be no distinction between different years , or levels of course .
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