Example sentences of "year at [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was something that had puzzled him during all his years at Court , and it was something that had stayed with him .
2 Your 29 years at home have probably seen you develop into a good conversationalist , able to strike up a relationship quickly ( which could help in selling or market research interviewing ) , or a natural organiser ( valuable in a hospital appointments department , booking car hire or reserving hotel rooms ) .
3 We spend years at home , living , eating , decorating , cleaning up , drinking , watching TV and listening to music .
4 ‘ You do lose confidence when you spend years and years at home with children .
5 Will he find time to consider the plight of my constituent , Mrs. Christine Williamson , who , after 25 years at home nursing a severely disabled child is now able to go back into the labour market , but finds herself in a Catch-22 situation ?
6 Beating Rangers for the first time in a year ( the first time for two years at home ) did nothing other than give a long suffering Celtic support one night of remission .
7 fan worth his or her salt will already know these songs inside out and anyone who does n't would be better advised to check out ‘ Eponymous ’ and ‘ Dead Letter Office ’ as the cohesive valedictions to the band 's years at IRS .
8 This shows changes in the length of the family cycle and is based on the assumption that all the brides involved ( in all of the periods ) were aged 22.5 years at marriage .
9 I received five years of general secondary education and two years at computer training school .
10 Ingrid spent many years at art schools in Glasgow and London during the mid-1980s before establishing Tait & Style in Stromness .
11 By the time I started my NDD I had already spent five years at art school .
12 Bernard loved moving , and they had now spent nearly five years at Rhydoldog which was as long as he liked to spend anywhere .
13 A few years at work in a friendly tax climate might give you the chance to build up capital , and to keep it somewhere out of harm 's way .
14 The pension arrangements of miners had been changed earlier in the year : instead of receiving a set pension , retired miners were to be paid pensions based on their average earnings in any five of their last ten years at work .
15 Since older miners were usually no longer fit to work at the coal-face and did less well-remunerated jobs on or near the surface , this meant that in old age — if they reached it — their pensions were to be a calculated on the basis of their more poorly paid years at work !
16 I have been a lifelong Labour supporter , but I have to say that under the present Government I was able to save in my last years at work without seeing my savings disappear in inflation .
17 We located 5874 hospital records , 1217 of which were for demented patients aged 40 to 64 years at presentation ; 707 records were either lost or contained insufficient information to apply the diagnostic criteria .
18 Miss Fogerty was a little afraid of Miss Watson , for though she herself had spent thirty years at Thrush Green School , she was only the assistant teacher and she had been taught to respect her betters .
19 Now , as a consequence of my eight marginal years on a drug squad , visits to the United Nations , and the three years at university reading a subject which few knew anything about , but would be willing to dismiss along with all of the social sciences , I was in danger of being irrevocably cast into the mould of being a ‘ college man ’ or academic .
20 MV I spent four years at university , from 1949 until 1953 .
21 Robert Meaby says that more young talent is in the Eastbourne pipeline and indeed the addition of a good player or two can work wonders — Rossalls 's new recruit David Tonroe , 19 , from Hong Kong , has spent two years at university in California , plays to plus one and has already appeared in the Eisenhower Trophy .
22 Gone are the days when organisations automatically recruited new graduates irrespective of their degree topic on the basis that three years at university show that someone has the intelligence and application needed to hold down a job .
23 She wanted to study , to spend three , even five , years at university .
24 When compared to their peers who fail to pass the entrance examinations , they have the prospect of a better life : four or more years at university ( rather than waiting to be assigned to low-skilled , often low-paid work ) and the likelihood on graduation of a secure post in the state bureaucracy .
25 The graduate courses are targeted at students in their first years at university , and the Masters at post-graduates or professionals with experience .
26 And she meant it , for she liked her college room , she was even mildly proud of it , and the thought of entertaining Clelia in it did not alarm her , though she had a deep aversion to the notion of entertainment , and had never in her whole three years at University embarked on the ritual tea parties or more ambitious sherry parties that mark the social life of such establishments .
27 As with any candidate his age , the trouble originates in his early adult life and consists of three things : the draft , dope and sex — the all-absorbing issues of the Sixties , when Clinton spent two years at University College , Oxford .
28 When he was seventeen he went to study medicine for five years at University College Hospital , London , apprenticed to J. T. Clover .
29 So during my three years at University College Swansea I carried on at the shop in the evenings doing the ordering , and on Saturdays running the general book department and the educational department .
30 It 's just I 've , I 've done three years at university now and I , I
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