Example sentences of "its [noun sg] at " in BNC.

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1 Due to its dismantling at Barry and other locations , several components had gone missing and these needed movement and others had to be manufactured from new .
2 Therefore the simple conflict between accumulation and unproductive consumption which appears at the micro level may be transformed into its opposite at the macro level .
3 It 's the second incident of its kind at the hospital this year .
4 This folly was the first of its kind at a time when all things gothic suddenly became very fashionable .
5 Objective : ‘ Courtaulds set out to be the best of its kind at what it does .
8 A thin sound beside him , and Ratagan had unsheathed his axe from its case at his pommel .
9 The NGC will open its case at the public inquiry in Northallerton on May 19 .
10 The plate from which he had eaten his hamburgers and frozen green beans , which had been last night 's supper , still unrinsed in the sink ; the splatter of grease marks above the ancient gas stove ; the viscous mess of grime gumming the narrow gap between stove and cupboard ; the soiled and smelly teacloth hanging from its hook at the side of the sink ; last year 's calendar askew on its nail ; the two open shelves jammed with a conglomeration of half-used cereal packets , jars of stale jam , cracked mugs , packets of detergent ; the cheap , unstable table with its two chairs , their backs grubby from numerous clutching hands ; the linoleum curving at the wall where it had become unstuck ; the general air of discomfort , uncaring , negligence , dirt .
11 The PAC also expressed its discontent at the name of CODESA — it had proposed " conference for a constituent assembly " — and the venue — it had urged that it be held at a " neutral " venue , outside South Africa .
12 by its vividness at your back ,
13 Thresher insiders believe the company changed its decision at the last minute after TODAY 's revelations yesterday .
14 The octopus can even modify the texture of its skin at high speed , a smooth , plain surface suddenly furrowing up into complex folds and ridges and gaining a complex blotched patterning at the same time .
15 He lay down to sleep , and had a vision of a grand stairway linking heaven and earth , its foot at the very spot where he was lying , and peopled with angels ascending and descending .
16 They remained at the Egyptian Hall , soon moving into the Large Hall , until its demolition at 1904 .
17 Three weeks ago , the 102nd Airborne Division , Russian-trained and regarded as a crack unit , was rushed from its base at Asmara to the front line , but it too has been mauled by the rebels , who swept through the mountains flanking the main road , capturing all the towns as far as Woldiya .
18 A compressed-snow runway , similar to that used by the soviet Union at its base at Molodezhnaya , will be built at Casey for between A$3 and 5 million .
19 He therefore decided to send the bulk of the army back to its base at Newcastle , while 500 cavalry , commanded by General James Oglethorpe , set off across the Pennines to try to harass the enemy flanks and rear .
20 As a direct consequence of that success , we believe that the inaugural World Sevens , taking place only a few miles from the company headquarters in Perth and with its strong Scottish flavour through its base at Murrayfield , ideally suited for The Famous Grouse .
21 Right : Duncan Baker 's Howard 500 was a very pleasant visitor from its base at Exeter .
22 Its base at Amboyna was overrun in 1623 and some of its garrison tortured to death in an episode Dryden reckoned would still be remembered when he wrote a play about it in a period of anti-Dutch feeling 50 years later .
23 An illustration of the arguments underpinning this strategy was provided by a Soviet commentator who compared the Soviet abandonment of its naval base at Porkkala in 1955 with the American retention of its base at Guantanamo in Cuba .
24 The new Soviet ambassador to Vietnam , Rashit Khamidulin , announced on Oct. 31 that the Soviet Union had started withdrawing its troops from its base at Vietnam 's Cam Ranh Bay [ see also p. 37288 ] .
25 Thus 35 Squadron took on a ‘ new ’ type at its base at D F Malan Airport — the Dakota !
26 The aircraft , worth millions of pounds , was on a routine training mission when it came down six miles from its base at RAF Upper Heyford.Eyewitnesses have described seeing the plane trailing smoke and flames just before it crashed .
27 Even though X/Open no longer has any formal relationship with the Foundation , following the Cambridge , Massachusetts-based group 's withdrawal from its board at the end of last year , the open systems standards body has nailed down an agreement with OSF which will see all DCE specifications integrated into its Common Applications Environment , CAE , interfaces over the next 12 to 18 months .
28 However , if the module 's manager changes its password at a later date , this information is cancelled .
29 However , if the module 's manager changes its password at a later date , this information is cancelled .
30 However , if the module 's manager changes its password at a later date , this information is cancelled .
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