Example sentences of "take us all " in BNC.

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1 Well , I ca n't promise that if you leave I 'll be as generous as he was ; I 'll continue your allowance certainly , but as for a house , no ; for as you are well aware , because you know the books as well as I do , it takes us all our time , even with my salary , to continue living here as we have done of yore .
2 Even translation from morse into natural language does not take us all the way to consciousness ; for , in the absence of consciousness , language is merely variegated sound , rather than the rich varieties of meaning that are embodied in , for example , Shakespeare 's texts .
3 He would take us all day for 1,000 bhat .
4 Jake had a small boat , with inboard engine , and he would take us all out fishing below the sheer red , ragged Berwickshire cliffs .
5 He would take us all out to Trader Vics at the Hilton Hotel .
6 ‘ It 'll take us all our time to afford that lot , ’ Ernest said doubtfully .
7 One thing led to another and he says if we 're so inclined , and we do n't mind a bit of inconvenience , he 'll take us all on the barge to Liverpool — and nothing to pay !
8 ‘ They can take us all the way across this place .
9 ‘ And it 'll take us all back , ’ Gurder went on .
10 If you tell anyone , even a friend , then the police will come and take us all away .
11 So a sergeant named Jimmy Barlow — he took us all down .
12 Mary 's fiancé , Johnny , who was a sergeant motor mechanic on one of the bomber air fields in Yorkshire , came down to visit her and took us all out for a drink one evening .
13 It took us all day to get the months ' accumulation of gooey duck muck and seagull poo off the airframe , and despite getting soaked lying in cold puddles of grimy water under the floats we never did remove all the khaki slime from their bottoms .
14 At Mohnyin ten convalescent officers and twenty-eight men , the two faithful sergeants and myself got off the hospital train and made for the hospital of the BCMS where Dr Russell and the two nursing sisters took us all in and gave medical treatment to those needing it .
15 The dead children 's distraught grandfather Trevor said last night : ‘ Garry took us all out for a big family meal and then on Sunday we had a lovely picnic by a lake .
16 Emma took us all on a bumpy buggy ride over to the second stage , until it was confiscated by security .
17 ‘ I remember when in 1987 he took us all to a castle near Como , ’ says Adriano Galliani , Milan 's managing director .
18 One Sunday my dad took us all up to see the new pit-head baths .
19 He took us all in with one sombre glance .
20 ‘ We got severely lost and it took us all day to get back .
21 spirits on , spirit something , well I said where we went I said you 're doing something similar to what we did , we had brandy and it took us all through the cellars
22 Sure I d I mean the day he took us , took us all out for dinner
23 Took us all me time to get out of bed at nine o'clock .
24 Between stops we can try and find out why their debut LP , ‘ Eva Luna ’ , is such a welcome anachronism that gives a shock to the nerve-centres of the techno ‘ n ’ grunge consensus , why rhythm is omnipotent once again and why they 've finally broken the apathetic silence by taking us all to task with some bold statements on matters of importance , instead of indistinct paeans to various objects of desire .
25 It was an extraordinary development in an extraordinary saga and striker Gary Bull said : ‘ This has taken us all by surprise , although nothing comes as a shock at Barnet anymore .
26 Mr Holmes added : ‘ They certainly caused a mess and its taken us all morning trying to patch it up .
27 We dare not shrug our shoulders and leave a great chasm into which cynical politicians might leap , and take us all to perdition with them . ’
28 Chauffeurs peel themselves off the walls , put down their fifth or sixth freebie rock'n'roll drink , and take us all in convoy to a club somewhere in Kansas City .
29 And the sketches and the readings take , er take us all through literature from the eighteenth century to present day , and they , they 're just readings and sketches from that , which I do n't , I have n't actually seen it and I do n't know what it 's going to be , but I 've every confidence that whatever Edward Fox , Dorothy Tutin and Freddie Jones do , it will be quite superb in these events
30 Eva would drink champagne and watch television in bed , which shocked me , and at least once a week she said she was determined to take us all to London for good .
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