Example sentences of "take out for " in BNC.

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1 He did n't , you did n't take out for nearly a year though in n it Bedge ?
2 She took out for both of them once
3 What happened , people should have been paying in for ten years were suddenly taking out for ten years and these huge enormous sums and obviously the surplus which our members had helped to build up er and provide through the years and we 've got seventy-five year olds on you know , extremely low pensions hardly making ends meet , and there were vast sums of money being given away to the employees , that the employers took a contribution holiday and so they were n't paying into the fund either you know , and all the profits of B T as you all know were soaring and partially because of the use of the pension funds and this has greatly obviously erm upset our members and we feel very strongly about it .
4 Since the scheme was launched in 1987 690,000 plans have been taken out for a total of almost £1.5 billion .
5 This sort of conditioned need makes it very difficult for the horse to be taken out for the day , and makes it completely unsuitable for a day of hard work .
6 This service is provided through IRPC by a legal expenses insurance policy which we have taken out for each of our customers ' benefit .
7 From the survey , it would seem that many bureaux which own the microfilm system find many uses for it within the bureau when it has not been taken out for an outreach advice session ; it is used for training purposes in order to demonstrate access to and use of information in CAB advice work and it is also used for giving talks to outside groups .
8 She would be washed , dressed , given meals , taken out for walks , played with , bathed , put to bed , all with little reaction .
9 A Prudential savings plan , taken out for a term of 10 years or more , is the ideal way to save for future events .
10 In the same way the moment of remembering , the time taken out for thanks , the pause for praise , will stand before God and man as a statement of declared trust , of radical reliance , of faith that will admit no turning back , in short , a decisive no to self-sufficiency and doubt , and an emphatic yes to God .
11 Unless you have married a man who is unusually attached to his mother ( which is another matter altogether ) , it will be unlikely to occur to your husband that he needs to do anything more to make his mother happy than to be a kind and dutiful son , who has given her sanctuary in his own home in her later years ; but if he is a man of feeling , it will not be difficult to persuade him of her need for his company : her need to be taken out for a run in the car with him alone sometimes , to be kissed when he kisses you when he gets home in the evening , and occasionally to be brought a bunch of flowers instead of you .
12 Most cows are kept in small sheds on terraced land and are taken out for weekly walks on the end of a rope .
13 The calves remain ‘ crated ’ until taken out for slaughter between three and four months later during which time they are fed a milk-derivative liquid diet ‘ enhanced ’ in the usual ways with vitamins , medication , and sometimes growth-promoters .
14 The master recorded in his journal gifts of flowers , cakes , toys and illustrated papers to the inmates , some of whom were taken out for treats , such as visits to the Bedford Picture Palace .
15 She could not escape the thought that she felt exactly as if she were a child being taken out for a treat by a kindly uncle .
16 She was obviously impatient to be taken out for a spin even though there was hardly puff enough to stir her anemometer .
17 And you never say you 'd like to be taken out for a change , or ring him up when you want a bit of company ? ’
18 Then he suddenly remembered Sophia Ainger 's sister , the rather odd young woman he had met in Bloomsbury that evening and taken out for a drink .
19 They are likely to include the following : ( a ) the execution and exchange of the acquisition agreement ( by which Newco will buy the business from the vendor ) ; ( b ) the managers having subscribed in cash for ordinary shares in Newco ; ( c ) the passing of any necessary shareholders ' resolutions ; ( d ) receipt by the investors of a satisfactory accountants ' report , audited accounts and management accounts ; ( e ) the managers having entered into service agreements ; ( f ) receipt by the investors of certificates of title ; ( g ) the investors being satisfied with the loan and banking facilities being provided to Newco ; ( h ) keyman insurance having been taken out for the benefit of the company over the lives of each of the managers .
20 Suzanne Gratton , 22 , of Warwick Close , Birkenhead , was accused after it was noticed that the licence on her car had been taken out for another vehicle .
21 Were th were they taken out for any specific reason ?
22 Similarly , children who are gifted perhaps in dance are taken out for a master class and so on .
23 Sweet Molly , who he was about to take out for the day and seduce if he got the chance .
24 Otis Ferguson thought the only real social comment concerned the unemployed and they were rather haphazardly brought together and in any case upstaged by a boy-girl-siren triangle hung on ‘ the back of such an old love nag as even Hollywood might be ashamed to take out for a canter ’ .
25 You understand that it is a condition of us accepting your booking that you take out for yourself and for those for whom you book our recommended holiday insurance ( details on page 15 ) , or that you arrange a policy yourself giving comparable or better cover under all sections .
26 Because she had spent so much of her teenage by herself , she had found plenty of time to read the newspapers and the books Patsy would bring home from school , or take out for her from the school library .
27 I think it 's probably worth mentioning on that similar context following Mr 's comments about the false alarms , that the more successful we are at reducing those , the more that impacts on our budget because they take out for S S A , unlike road accidents .
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