Example sentences of "take to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I produced some option plans and they took to it like a duck takes to water . ’
2 He takes to it as a duck takes to water .
3 Seen children take to it , like a duck takes to water , do n't it .
4 The problem with writing large amounts of text is the time it takes to proof read the final document .
5 At such a signal , the herd takes to flight .
6 Meanwhile , the book 's last essay , titled Black Women and Feminism , takes to task those African-American feminists who are reluctant to acknowledge that by ignoring sexism in the Black community they have left unaddressed the abuse and subjugation of Black women by Black men .
7 God bless them and may we take to heart what they say .
8 One recommendation is that ‘ Parliamentary Counsel and departmental lawyers should take to heart the criticisms that continue to be made , by those most directly affected , of the style of drafting of statute law , and should review their own drafting styles accordingly . ’
9 A challenge one trusts the clans will take to heart .
10 To give the settlement greater weight it was also agreed that Henry should take to wife Catherine , Charles 's daughter , whose hand he had sought in negotiation some years earlier .
11 They do n't readily take to water — but will swim if the necessity arises .
12 The abortion obsession is in danger of becoming a bore , but open minds will take to By-Pass Syndrome , not least because of the title track 's delightfully nave rejection of the road-building craze .
13 Colonel Richardson 's pain is only the first pain to make me feel dreadful ( why , oh why , do women take to guilt like ducks to water ? ) and most people wo n't be as nice as he was .
14 And these we can take to nursery and we can leave them at nursery ca n't we ?
15 The time has gone when a poor ragged child would take to flight at the sight of a policeman .
16 Unfortunately Anthony usually chose college friends and Nigel did n't really take to bluestocking women .
17 Cats do n't usually take to car travel , that 's why I do n't often take any of mine with me , and shutting them up in cages goes against the grain , but my sister 's two Burmese love the car , they 'll go and sit in the car when it parked .
18 I wondered how they would take to steak and kidney pudding , oxtail soup , and plum duff .
19 What I 'd like to introduce lastly now is an approach that you can take to training to help yourselves and to help make it more effective and more systematic and what I 'd like to introduce to you is , is something called the training cycle and the rest of the course is actually based around the training cycle and I know Margaret you 've actually seen the training cycle a few weeks ago , I 'm not sure if , if any of the others are , any of the others familiar ?
20 1745 " The Gentlemen befrementd. taking to Consideration That there are a great deal thefts Committed in this Country Doe to prevent & Discover the samen come to the following Resolutions , That The Chamber lain of Kildaltan & some of the princl .
21 1745 " The Gentlemen befrementd. taking to Consideration That there are a great deal thefts Committed in this Country Doe to prevent & Discover the samen come to the following Resolutions , That The Chamber lain of Kildaltan & some of the princl .
22 He prepared himself to meet the Mahatma on the basis of ‘ personal appeal and conviction ’ , taking to heart the advice of V.S.S. Sastri , who was acting as intermediary , that Gandhi was ‘ like a woman ; you have got to win him ; therefore before you see him , perform all your ablutions , say all your prayers and put on your deepest spiritual robes ’ .
23 They had patronised it the previous night , taking to heart its motto ( in Latin ) , ‘ drink yourself to hell ’ .
24 Taking to Water ( July ) , in which Jeannette Kupfermann described her stay at a thalassotherapy centre , had a huge response .
25 It is probable that the jawless fish lived by grubbing in the sediment , or perhaps by filter feeding , possibly exploiting organic material derived from the plants that were taking to life on land at the same time .
26 It is interesting to observe that just at the point when the old sources of clerical recruitment , the married clergy , were taking to celibacy , the supply of clergy did not dry up , it multiplied exceedingly .
27 Mind you , I do n't know what he 's taking to work today cos we have n't got any bread .
28 It was interesting to receive a positive reaction from the police to the measures we are taking to crime prevention , ’ says regional manager John Hibbert .
29 Not everyone desired to mimic the magnificent pomp of the College of Arms ; others knew what a risky business this could be , for the College maintained a rigid overview of funerary practices countrywide , taking to task any family which emulated that type of funeral reserved by the rules of etiquette for those of nobler birth .
30 In encouraging the sharing of confidences the Profitboss takes care to ensure that the confidence is not abused , taking to task any team-member who betrays the trust .
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