Example sentences of "take a new " in BNC.

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1 In a political and administrative system as riddled with tradition as the British , the old model could , and probably will , be restored in the few minutes it takes a new prime minister to travel from Buckingham Palace to Downing Street .
3 My survey departs from sociological tradition and takes a new approach to women 's domestic situation by looking at housework as a job and seeing it as work , analogous to any other kind of work in modern society .
4 Second impressions : Frances Spalding takes a new perspective on Monet
5 This procedure takes a new snapshot and does pixel counts for various subareas such as a narrow strips at the edge of the region of the reference area which is supposed to contain the reference card .
6 ‘ It was not as much a question of whether we would take a new step in our computerisation , but if we would subcontract it out , ’ said Olivier and Xavier Decelle , Picard 's president and managing director , respectively , in an article in Les Echos .
7 It believes that theological colleges and courses must take a new look at the quantity and quality of the preparation given to ordinands for their responsibilities in leading public worship .
8 It said that the Government had no policy for industry and no policy for the country , and that if they did not take a new direction there would be no British-owned manufacturing industry left in this country — now answer !
9 Mr Heitmann says clearly Germany 's special role because of war guilt must end and after unification , the Germans should take a new view of their Nazi past .
10 She passed Seb Smith 's house one evening in the spring , taking a new route when exercising Midnight , and stopped to look over the hedge ( too high for nosers on foot ) into the Smith grounds .
11 It removes the pernicious , if subconscious obsession with calendar age , which precludes some of us from learning new things , or undertaking new tasks , or taking a new interest in the world around us . ’
12 But times have changed , and with several successful campaigns behind it ( goats have been eradicated from five islands ) Galapagos conservation is taking a new direction .
13 As Diana 's life was taking a new direction , her sister Sarah was in crisis .
14 It makes several journeys through Spain : for example , there 's a four-day break , available May to October , taking a new high-speed train from Madrid to Seville , visiting Expo 92 , before making tracks on the Al Andalus through the Andalusian hills ( above ) for Cordoba and Granada .
15 The chapter concentrates upon a particular moment in the story of British fascism , when this ideological tradition seemed to be taking a new turn .
16 A joint declaration issued by the EFTA heads of government and ministers stated that " we are now on the verge of taking a new step forward in the integration of Europe by forging a close and structured partnership with the EC " .
17 I ca n't think he was helped by all the upset at home during the past 18 months — mum taking a new man , & more or less telling both children that they could go & live with their Dad ( or Dads ) .
18 And she used to love taking a new ten shilling note out of and I 've saved this for holiday .
19 Critics were even more profoundly unnerved when Lean took a new approach to the Brief Encounter story with The Passionate Friends ( 1948 ) , where the husband is a much more potent , interesting and violent character than the would-be lover , again played by Trevor Howard .
20 BAFTAGATE , the television 's industry 's most gripping drama , took a new turn yesterday when the four Bafta judges who complained about last month 's award of a prize to ITV 's Prime Suspect , demanded that Bafta produce the ballot slips .
21 It took a new generation of drama advisers to attempt to bring it back again .
22 JTR was not around to see the beginnings of political comment in Scottish art ; his life took a new path far removed from the galleries and drawing rooms of artistic Edinburgh .
23 When Anna May Reese took a new lover her estranged husband was seized with murderous jealousy .
24 LENNOX LEWIS last night lined up a world title fight with Norwich-based Herbie Hide as the cat-and-mouse game over the heavyweight championship took a new twist .
25 THE POUND took a new battering yesterday .
26 THE INDIE debate took a new turn last week , with the news that MUTE RECORDS may lead a boycott of the planned ‘ alternative ’ chart along with several other prominent independently distributed labels .
27 His thoughts took a new turn .
28 The date of this burial , around 1380 BC , may be very significant , for it was then that the Labyrinth was virtually abandoned and the development of Minoan culture took a new direction .
29 The long-running saga took a new twist this week in Spain .
30 The White Hart Lane power battle took a new twist when Venables ' associate Edward Ashby was sacked from his consultant post , a move which appears to weaken Venables position still further as he fights chairman Alan Sugar to retain his £200,000 a year job .
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