Example sentences of "take a small " in BNC.

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1 It only takes a small slippage for government revenue and spending forecasts to be thrown out of kilter .
2 Matrix sampling is also used , such that each student only takes a small part of the total battery of tests .
3 John takes a small pair of wraparound reflecting sunglasses from his bedside table .
4 It only takes a small criminal minority to cause these problems and the message must be that the residents of this estate will pull together to stop it happening again .
5 We noted that this switch entailed a move towards a more regressive system of taxation , i.e. one which takes a smaller proportion of higher incomes .
6 The result is that every ledge , from those that would take a small tent to those that a modern rock climber would blanch to see , is packed with birds .
7 It 'll take a small fortune ter build a gym on this bleedin' dump . ‘
8 Each child could have a drink of water out of the shared cup , and could take a small piece of biscuit .
9 PEG : Shall we both take a small pill and sleep it out until later ?
10 She had already thrown yesterday 's damp tea-leaves on to the parlour carpet , and when she had finished in the surgery would take a small , hard hand-brush and , down on her knees yet again , would painstakingly sweep them all up into a dustpan , to remove the previous day 's dirt and dust , Miss Mates said , and purify the air .
11 ‘ Anyone taking a small open craft out on that needs his head examined .
12 Jones made this point by taking a small flashlight out from his pocket and making a strong cautionary comment that he would be ‘ extremely surprised if enough power could be generated by the process to power even a flashlight . ’
13 Very obviously when this town was designed and laid out and nobody foresaw the growth of the private motor car , er today private motor car is accepted , but in a town which was built perhaps the idea that one in twenty would own a motor car and we 're now faced with the probably one in three have a motor car , we 're now faced with a problem which can only detract from life in the town , also the fact that huge lorries are passing through what were envisaged as quiet residential neighbourhoods with a consequent breaking of curbs and of paving stones where the lorries are compelled to mount the pavings in order to get round parked cars and things of that nature it detracts from the life in Harlow I do , I think a considerable extent , erm , the other factor is that there 's become a lack of pride in the town by the people who live in it , this is seen from the amount of rubbish , and refuse that is dropped from the minor vandalism that goes on the graffiti , er particularly in underpasses where people are walking to the town centre and that , those are the things where the town has lost its way , when we first came here you never saw bits of paper and packages from sweets and cigarettes and things , perhaps maybe because the package industry has developed over the years and that er whereas whenever we had responsibility for taking a small child out , if it had sweets it was encouraged to put the wrappings in its pocket until it got home , now of course it 's encouraged to drop it just where it wants to and er this not only applies to children , some of the worst culprits are the adults who leave the , leave the public houses with a can of beer to drink on the way home and drop it just when they 've finished the last drop of beer or the fish and chip paper 's just dropped .
14 She has been taking a small holiday .
15 I would , myself , be very keen to look at the possibility of such machines perhaps even going to third world countries , because it 's even arguable that the place for such intelligence systems is not to replace expert medical people in this country where we have such people , but to export them to developing countries which do n't have such people , and one could imagine , perhaps , a system of erm paramedical orderlies , who had some sort of medical knowledge and manipulative skill , taking a small expert computer in a shoe box — it would be no bigger — to villages and getting diagnoses of patient illnesses there on the spot .
16 Then taking a smaller dish from the shelf she turned to the child , saying , ‘ You carry that in ; 't is butter .
17 To give the children a surprise on their next visit , I took a small toy lion from my plastic carrier bag and pressed it into a hole in the edge of the doorway .
18 I took a small class of Bermondsey Girl Guides , and realized the nobility of girls who after working for so many hours in bad conditions were still loyal .
19 With his wife and daughter he took a small cottage in the Market Square , ( adjacent to the Red Lion and opposite the White Lion ) , and there seven more children were born , though not all of them grew to maturity .
20 O'Brian , 24 , was on the run from the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers when he took a small glass tube of diamorphine — described in court as pure heroin — to the house in Guide Post , Northumberland .
21 Replacing them both , he upended the main body of the telephone cradle and took a small screw-driver from a nearby drawer .
22 From his pocket , Erlich took a small plastic bag , and into it he dropped the cigar butt .
23 In 1355 Edward III appointed the Black Prince his Lieutenant in Aquitaine , and the prince took a small force there in the autumn of that year .
24 Hazel took a small leaf and nibbled politely .
25 So he , he thought he 'd do an experiment , er he took a small piece of radium which he 'd extracted from several tons of pitchblende and he put this bit of radium on his forearm and , and put a bandage round to hold it in place and left it there for a week and said right I 'll see what happens .
26 Constanza took a small flat of her own .
27 Using existing unconnected product breakthroughs , Sony took a small tape player , married it to lightweight headphones and made the Walkman an entirely new product that , after a slight hesitation , became a world beater .
28 I passed the pack and she took a small gold lighter from her purse .
29 He took a small cube of A resin from the pouch next to his knife .
30 At the door he paused and took a small lamp from his pocket , then examined both the locks .
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