Example sentences of "take [pron] for " in BNC.

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1 After visiting Queen 's the man took her for a walk near Twickenham Bridge where he attacked her .
2 The scrutiny takes nothing for granted but looks directly at what actually happens at all levels of the area under study .
3 I am half-pissed and brilliant , Francis takes me for egg and chips and strong tea and tells me to give it up .
4 I have told him he is n't the same man I married any more and he just takes me for granted .
5 Miss Clapp sees the excuse notes and she takes me for English .
6 I also discovered that Granpa used to switch suppliers regularly , ‘ just to be sure no one takes me for granted ’ .
7 He takes them for a walk on Hampstead Heath .
8 He takes them for what they are , and deals with them accordingly .
9 Our consumer society demands these , yet takes them for granted .
10 ‘ It takes itself for a little walk at night .
11 It encourages in us an arrogance which takes everything for granted .
12 Sandy takes her for walks , not the other way round .
13 And I reckon that he 's the sort of person who would turn into someone that would hit someo hit his his woman , because he takes her for granted enough as it is , and that , I reckon that 's how wife battering starts because the husband starts taking the woman for granted so much
14 ‘ And as for the Bulldog , I hear that his wife takes him for walks at night to stop him making a mess .
15 " When I go on holiday Con always takes him for a week or two and he has never mentioned any … anything unusual … in that way . "
16 Francis always takes him for a walk last thing before going to bed .
17 Charlie , is on his last legs , has been for years and , might as well have him put down , as that Nick keep saying , I think I 'll have to have him put down he , when he takes him for a walk he collapses .
18 Or , like he , if the little girl 's riding him , he always goes with her then as well , but even if the girl 's not on him , he takes him for a walk like a big dog so I mean , they 're lovely people , you could n't wish to have him with nicer people , erm , you know they are , they really are nice
19 He takes it for a walk — such walks have long been a ritual activity of the country 's more optimistic male poor , the dog more expensively jacketed than the chap .
20 The practice of ‘ practical criticism ’ in fact unconsciously takes it for granted that the readers already know enough about poetry to have a grasp of rules and conventions sufficient to make adequate sense of the passage .
21 It is as if Hahnemann takes it for granted that we all understand the importance of quantity , as well as potency , when administering a remedy , but this seems almost a revolutionary concept to us as we rarely consider this factor when using both low and high potency centesimal remedies .
22 It is easy to think of the doctor , for example , whose father and grandfather were doctors before him and who takes it for granted that his son will follow in his footsteps — without really stopping to consider whether that is what his son wants to do .
23 To give this impression would ensure shipwreck on a reef which we shall in any case be lucky to avoid , the indifference of the reader who takes it for granted that we are trying to deduce imperatives from the facts of which one ought to be aware , and assumes in advance that there has to be a flaw somewhere , hardly worth the trouble of locating , as in a new proposal for a perpetual-motion machine .
24 Such studies are rare since they require an examination of media practices and content as well as a critical assessment of the media 's presentation of the ‘ real world ’ — an assessment which takes it for granted that the media do not reproduce ‘ reality ’ in a pure form ; their use of language and images as well as the working practices of journalists inevitably refract ‘ reality ’ , so ‘ distorting ’ it .
25 A striking example of their dissociation is provided by the following exchange : on the one hand , Runciman takes it for granted that methodological individualism is ‘ now generally conceded to be almost trivially true ’ , while on the other Torrance asserts that ‘ In so far as methodological individualism is true it is trivial and irrelevant to sociology , while in so far as it is used to curb or dictate explanatory methods it is either incoherent or false ’ .
26 He usually ends up in hospital , stabilises on medication , takes it for a while after being discharged , then stops — sometimes inspired by marijuana .
27 He just takes it for granted that it always looks like this .
28 George Orwell was particularly fond of striking these contrasts between the ordered stability of the past against the awfulness of the present , and he was also thoroughly wound up in the myths of English civility : ‘ The gentleness of the English civilisation is perhaps its most marked characteristic ’ , he wrote in an essay of 1940 , ‘ Everyone takes it for granted that the law , such as it is , will be respected , and feels a sense of outrage when it is not . ’
29 He takes it for granted that in human generation the female is the passive principle , the male the active .
30 McDonald 's belongs to a federation of companies in the same business and the area man takes it for granted that the firm 's competitors will soon hear about the relaxed consent and apply to the agency for similar leniency .
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