Example sentences of "take [noun] just " in BNC.

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1 At this point the runners in the junior race , which takes place just before the main race , turn round .
2 This process takes place just as much in the context of legislating as in connection with other procedures which appear to lend themselves more obviously to this end .
3 Spawning usually takes place just below the surface and the eggs fall to the bottom and hatch within 40–48 hours .
4 The assumption that the market takes place just once is , of course , patently unrealistic : repeated market interaction among firms would appear to be the rule .
5 Meanwhile , observers , who claim there are still chats going on between HP and NeXT ( UX No 372 ) , say NeXTStep wo n't run on just any 486 : it takes SuperVGA just to get mono and a JAWS card to get colour .
6 Gon na take ages just to do this !
7 A whole world of colour and sound is waiting to be brought back on video tape , and camcorders are now so simple to operate , and so portable , that you can take pictures just about anywhere .
8 Equally , the valuation may take place just prior to the end of the month and deliveries be made after the valuation but before the end of the month .
9 It took Victoria just two decades to climb virtually the full length of the international road safety league table and it did so by actively engaging many organised elements of society .
10 He had the light behind him and a WPC took shorthand just out of range of Ian 's sight .
11 it was all over at the start of the second half … it took Millwall just 17 seconds and ten touches to win the game …
12 The grid positions were reversed at Brands Hatch , Niki having taken pole , but that was strictly secondary to the appalling accident that took place just after the start at Paddock Bend , with its fierce ensuing drop .
13 The battle took place just one mile from the blood-drenched border with North Korea .
14 for the attempt at fusion took place just a month before the post-war boom began to collapse .
15 This meeting took place just when the AFO was passing a series of resolutions which demanded the ‘ right of self-determination … forthwith ’ and the organisation of a national army .
16 Such settlement , indeed , took place just in time , before the First World War created a whole new set of conditions .
17 In many cases during 1974 , candidate selection took place just before the election campaign got under way .
18 In BRS the final exchanges took place just as the goods were being delivered .
19 This is mind-boggling black-comic stuff , but Holland , perhaps overwhelmed by the weight of the Holocaust taking place just out of frame , seems to sit back and let it happen .
20 The location is also altered with the executions conveniently taking place just outside the hospital , as opposed to one and a half miles away .
21 Yet is this taking things just a little bit too far ?
22 A YOUNG father-to-be died after taking Ecstasy just two weeks before the expected birth of his first child .
23 Dalglish , whose side visit Southampton tomorrowsun , got his priorities right when he took on the former Luton and Wimbledon boss as his right-hand man soon after taking office just over a year ago .
24 Although the attack by a young Jew on the German Legation Secretary in Paris , Ernst vom Rath , had taken place just the day before his usual address to the Party ‘ old guard ’ in Munich on 8 November 1935 , Hitler avoided all mention of it in his speech .
25 Not surprisingly this can lead to a great deal of guilt and remorse at the thought of things left unsaid , or perhaps an argument that had taken place just before the person left the house , never to return .
26 That theft and recovery had taken place just over a year ago .
27 ‘ The telling fact here is that the Charles and Camilla phone call is said to have taken place just two weeks before the call between Diana and her friend James Gilbey was taped . ’
28 Subsequent reports suggested that the atrocity had taken place just inside Venezuela .
29 Even when Liz had come over for Mr Harding 's funeral , which had taken place just over a year ago , Laura had n't felt able to explain all of the difficulties she had faced .
30 Reagan 's television appearances furthermore were carefully scheduled to take place just prior to critical votes on his budgetary and tax policy .
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