Example sentences of "some [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Mace claims that some $1bn of business has now been conducted on 88000-based system products , and claims , as the group often does , that there will be more converts to the cause — this time around there are five or six Intel Corp i860 manufacturers on its hitlist. 88open will open a European office this summer , either in the UK or Germany , which will use space rented in one of its members ' offices .
2 Some 63% of wives took part in decision making .
3 Lastly I told him that there was supposed to be a plan for a British submarine which would take off escaped prisoners somewhere near La Spezia , and I produced some maps of the area which I had managed to get from a book seller friend of mine in Parma .
4 Some 50% of Britons and 38% of Germans believed that Mr Reagan 's foreign policy had increased the dangers of war in Europe .
5 Of the joint registrations made in 1989 , 72% were made by parents living at the same address , which suggests that some 50% of children born outside marriage were born to a cohabiting couple .
6 If all goes to plan , oil should account for some 50% of demand in 1990 and 38% in the year 2000 .
7 US customers take some 50% of Mexican oil exports .
8 However , Mr Barber reports that the number of people planning to retire to a home in France now accounts for some 50% of enquiries .
9 The World Bank in Washington DC has placed an order with Reading , Berkshire-based Racal-Redac ( UK ) Ltd for 154 of its CadStar printed circuit board design packages and 57 advanced MS-DOS routers : the products will be used by participants in India 's Impact programme , set up with the help of the World Bank , to provide the country 's leading educational institutions with electronic design automation tools and other software ; Racal-Redac reckons the deal gives it some 50% of the Indian printed circuit board design software market .
10 Unisys Corp claims to have won some 50% of the world 's open systems transaction processing business , but still only has around 22 Tuxedo customers on its books , including the Union Bank of Switzerland , Eurodollar car rental , La Namur Assurance Co in Belgium and Koninklijke PTT Telecom Nederland NV ; NCR Corp , it estimates , has some 10 to 15 customers for Top End monitor , while Transarc Corp 's rival Encina has only just started shipping .
11 This generates some 50% of total revenues , and Ms Keegan says Kapiti is working towards Posix-compliance .
12 While Leapor could never have been published without some support of this kind , patronage introduced a new influence on Leapor 's writing .
13 Some support of the sectors involved in the administration of justice , for example , by serving on Advisory Committee , Compensation Boards , The Parole Board , Mental Health Act Tribunal and assisting in appointing magistrates [ voluntary ] .
14 So they acquire some freedom of choice as to the how , when and where of using the anger of which they have command .
15 Here Thomas Carnan obtained some freedom of exercise for him .
16 In the present case , however , we do have some freedom of choice .
17 Even these more sophisticated attempts to elaborate where power lies and to allow for some freedom of manoeuvre for the state in capitalism can between , however .
18 The king retained some freedom of manoeuvre : he could not choose his blood-relatives but when bestowing patronage , especially with more distant kin , he could choose between them .
19 The possibilities of choice are rather less in the most obviously vocationally oriented degrees , such as Architecture , Housing Studies and Nursing Studies , but some freedom of action is still possible .
20 As she said goodnight to them in turn she managed by some technique of charm or pure personality to convey to each of them that they were important to her in their own light .
21 If Marcus , usually to be found in his bedroom , was sitting upon an upright chair , his back straight , his hands on his knees , staring into space , in a posture presumably connected with some technique of meditation , Ludens would wait outside in the hall , or converse quietly with Irina in the kitchen .
22 The usual tactic was to march troops across the enemy 's territory , plundering and looting ; to take fortified places if the task was easy ; to obtain allies among the lords of the locality ; and to retreat without fighting a battle if at all possible — in effect an application to a wider canvas of the some technique of warfare which had earlier made castellans formidable in the immediate environs of their castles .
23 It will be easy enough to bleach them with some Milk of Magnesia the night before he comes home .
24 On the basis of privately commissioned opinion polls showing an increasing majority in favour of some measure of divorce legislation , FitzGerald agreed with his cabinet to proceed with a referendum on whether to change the constitution so as to allow divorce for marriages irretrievably broken down , though only after a period of five years ' actual breakdown and legal separation .
25 In the long run the centralist traditions were to win the race against all hopes for some measure of local autonomy .
26 For the first time , it appeared , Mrs Thatcher had some measure of command over her own Cabinet .
27 The more difficult situation is where you have to apply some measure of selectivity .
28 The serious business of gaining an Oxford scholarship and some measure of financial independence had begun and , for a time , gave Edward the drive necessary to matriculate easily as a non-collegiate student at Oxford , to live in lodgings there , and to attend a full course of lectures to prepare himself for an entrance scholarship to Balliol , Merton , or Lincoln .
29 The Labour Party subsequently achieved some measure of socialism under Attlee , despite the hostility of capitalism , and the Labour Party was well informed about the real strength of the fascist challenge .
30 It looked as though the repressive policy of James V had died with him , and that Scotland , presided over by Arran and the powerful Hamilton faction , was now moving with almost unbelievable ease towards alliance with England and some measure of Protestant reform .
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