Example sentences of "when i take " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Christ knows what will happen when I take her on to the shop floor , ’ he said .
2 At least when I take a wife it 'll satisfy me .
3 Very often , when I take a walk along the river in the close season and see a shoal of chub sliding in and out of the streamer weed , or merely lying near to the surface , ready to suck in a floating insect , I imagine I have a rod with me and I want to catch one of those chub .
4 And one other thing : when I take my three-year-old daughter out , the child seat gets pushed sideways by the back-seat cushion , so I have to straighten it by putting a book under it . ’
5 You 're with me and you 'll go home when I take you . ’
6 Yet when I take a taxi back to the club , the driver tells me that the Indians will be getting it in the neck soon .
7 After all , he refuses to mix with boys of his own age , and rarely leaves this house except when I take him on my rounds . ’
8 And as you have pointed out , when I take the lovely Miss Ingram as my bride , you and Adèle must leave the house , so I 'm looking for a new job for you . ’
9 No , when I take something on I stick to it , like underpants to a wall .
10 Well , if they think they are going to follow me into the Multivite/Singletons First Division when I take over at Titford Polymers , then they are going to be bloody disappointed .
11 When I take you out , you have to be my slave .
12 ‘ Save it for when I take you gambling in Las Vegas , ’ juggling this chance in his head with the unthinkable odds that he would never see her again .
13 When I take one of them it seems to run in all the time know what I mean Doctor ?
14 So when I take this out and pout this through the window it shines straight up and you can look at the clouds and you can tell which direction the wind is .
15 In my neighbourhood I can hear a sampling of Spanish , Portuguese , Chinese , Urdu , Polish , Italian and West Indian English when I take my children across the street to the park .
16 ‘ Usually — on the rare occasions when I take a woman to bed .
17 When I take the plaster off , that 's when your problems will begin . ’
18 You gon na decorate when I take them down ?
19 Only when I take them off
20 Wonder if we 've got any milk to give Morgan , oh no we have n't aha , when I take you home we 'll have to get some more milk , otherwise we 'll be stranded tomorrow
21 When I take two and found out at the end of it there was a bit of erm Die Hard cos they 're a bit at this .
22 But when I take , I ca n't wear that in the embassy because it will be too hot .
23 When I took the tray in yesterday morning , ’ said Ethel , ‘ she did n't register a thing . ’
24 ‘ I found them outside his door when I took master and mistress their early morning tea . ’
25 ‘ I think a part of me probably died when I took your job , though it may have been just the settling-down thing .
26 No no , this fat old bird was round the back of Bunrannoch House , when I took wee Alex for a walk .
27 ‘ There were problems in the past with the way the fund was run , but when I took over a couple of years ago we took a very long look at our accounting system and put matters right .
28 The removable sole is fairly thin and when I took it out I noticed that several small staples protrude quite sharply through the inner lining , which could become a problem after more use .
29 When I took on the marine operations every ship had a fiftyfour man crew and it seemed to me that this was inefficient , so I did a trip on a ship and I came back quite convinced you could actually run a ship with twenty-one men .
30 When I took her to a school for admission they sent us to the Education department .
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