Example sentences of "know my [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But facing me in the nets for two winters , he got to know my bowling inside out and by the end of our stay in Cape Town he was hammering me all around the practice area .
2 ‘ But you want to know my dream ?
3 I get the feeling that I begin to know my way around , to know at least most of the chess moves of it .
4 I get the feeling that I begin to know my way round , to know that at least most of the chess moves of it .
5 ‘ Remember that I do n't want the police to know my secret , Dr Watson , ’ Frankland reminded me .
6 Ought to know my bark 's worse than my bite . ’
7 I used to know my semaphore I 'm , I 've never really mastered the morse , but I used to know the semaphore
8 I 'm confident enough in my ability as a mother to know my daughter had never been pressurised by knowing there was a part of my life that was illegal .
9 I have been back in London long enough to know my place .
10 I do n't want anyone to know my business . ’
11 So , do you want to know my theory about your mystery man ? ’
12 Erm if I knew the pages in the report as well as I try to know my bible I could point you to another place Moderator where er
13 You would have to know my typewriter to appreciate fully the luxury of being able to hop about in a text making alterations , counting the words at a touch of a button and running off endless perfect copies .
14 She used to know my mam th she had she had lo lots of kids .
15 Well my husband and I were married in nineteen forty four , you see , and er as you see I go every year and it 's nineteen eighty six , so therefore erm I you see I , I do n't really want people to know my age
16 You 'd know my mum .
17 There was once a golf correspondent for a respected national newspaper who , from beside the green , used to urge slow players to ‘ get on with it , do n't you know my life is ebbing away ’ .
18 " You girls do n't know my life , " said Nenna , " I worked in my vacations before the war , wiping dishes , camp counselling , all manner of things . "
19 I took the view that the Cabinet and the Prime Minister should know my position .
20 However I could not become a sperm donor ( Letters NI 189 ) , especially if this would mean I would never know my child or the woman who bore it .
21 ‘ How do you know my name ?
22 I thanked him and was about to leave when he realized he did n't know my name .
23 ‘ The caretaker who showed us the place — and he does n't know my name either . ’
24 How do you know my name ?
25 But you did n't know my name .
26 He did n't know my name .
27 ‘ How do you know my name ? ’ he wanted to know .
28 ‘ And how do you know my name ? ’
29 Even if people do n't know my name , they know I 'm someone . ’
30 ‘ Do you know my name ? ’
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