Example sentences of "see quite [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We 've seen quite a lot of completely sterile ears in winter barley , which is due to frost on secondary tillers .
2 ‘ We 've also seen quite a difference in our seed rate trials , with the lower rates giving a better pod set , possibly because bees have been able to get into the crop . ’
3 I kept my fingers crossed figuratively during the first few months of our acquaintance that neither of us would be sent elsewhere on a permanent posting — permanent until demob , that is — because I had seen quite a few promising romances nipped in the bud by one or the other partner being whipped away by the unfeeling powers-that-be , and when a relationship is developing you do need a few weeks of togetherness to allow it to mature .
4 Although the past few months have seen quite a number of problems for European unity , one area that remains firmly fixed is the demolition of trade barriers in 1993 .
5 The last few years have seen quite a shake up in the leasing market .
6 ‘ I have seen quite a few races on television and the competition is really good . ’
7 You 've obviously seen quite a lot of good painting .
8 I 've seen quite a few er in the so well you see we belong wi the Guild is fit into three tiers .
9 We 've seen quite a lot of you lately . ’
10 He was n't allowed to work that day , so people turned up in a white shirt and tie and looking smart , they had to wear uniforms even a cap but unfortunately nowadays , although a lot of the I have seen quite a few people their uniform has changed since I left , but erm they do come to work in very very casual work now .
11 ‘ You will remember that although I was born a vicar 's daughter , I have seen quite a different level of life since then .
12 ‘ I 've — er — seen quite a bit of him since I met him when he called for you that time , ’ Leith managed , the ever-present ‘ if you value your job ’ threat there in her head again .
13 We 've seen quite a dramatic increase this year .
14 Peach and cherry trees are out in blossom , and we 've seen quite a few birds .
15 Yeah , and also he lives so far out and he was saying you know , Julie 's up in er in Birmingham , Andy 's up in Birmingham , he 's had no one to see , Eileen 's come back up to Birmingham he sees quite a lot of and er I think he 's just a bit lonely .
16 During the course of my working week I must see quite a number of society magazines .
17 They were glazed with ribbed glass , you could see quite a lot of them on Chipping Field , still , er and nearly everyone who 's bought their houses have altered the doors , but a lot of people have put these wooden doors in you know
18 Just I was just gon na ask you really to maybe just a change you know the difference between day and know , maybe you can see quite a difference just er
19 Erm , I think it 's probably inevitable but most of the Republics will become independent , but I think the idea of them becoming independent in their present borders is very worrying indeed cos that , most of the borders are grossly irrational and becoming independent with those borders ethnic conflicts built into it , erm , and I think unless there 's some sort of er negotiations about what border these countries will have before they become inde independent , we could see quite a lot of bloodshed .
20 That 's very effective if you 're dealing with factual information which is changing fairly rapidly , and I think we 'll see quite a growth of that in the next few years , but libraries are n't just stores of factual information ; they store a large number of books and articles and they need access to that too , and probably the most typical external use of a computer in libraries and in a university library , academic library , these days is to access the huge stores of information on scientific publishing .
21 That 's very effective if you 're dealing with factual information which is changing fairly rapidly , and I think we 'll see quite a growth of that in the next few years , but libraries are n't just stores of factual information , they store a large number of books and articles and they need access to that too , and probably the most typical external use of a computer in libraries in a university library , or academic library , these days is to access the huge stores of information on scientific publishing .
22 And they saw quite a lot more flags hanging out of windows .
23 Approaching the village hall we saw quite a crowd outside , and while we waited more and more people joined us .
24 Gennaro saw quite a lot .
25 Just after my birthday in September 1922 , we came out from afternoon school on a Tuesday and , on reaching the corner of St. Martin 's Church Street , saw quite a lot of people at the bottom of St. Ann 's Street .
26 At about the same time that I went up into the Boys ' School , my friend Hubert Gould moved away to Bournemouth and my other friend Alf Norris moved from The Friary to Greencroft Street and , as this was only two hundred yards from our house , we saw quite a lot of each other .
27 Also there were things called pangas which were knives erm and the we saw quite a few tribal incidents and people were injured from knife attacks .
28 To Phil he says : ‘ I saw quite a number of the men you 're doing when I was in London .
29 We 've never been in the same class or anything , but we saw quite a lot of each other in the Christmas concert last year and then , well , it sort of started with that . "
30 The annual competition saw quite a rare occurrence in the sport of fishing .
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