Example sentences of "see them as " in BNC.

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1 Another chapter , on the Kapos and the Special Squads , exhibits what must surely be judged an analytic understanding of the concentration-camp system set up by the Nazis — an understanding Eberstadt is inclined to deny him , believing that the camps are insufficiently construed in the Auschwitz book as an institutionalised anti-Semitism peculiar to Germany and politically-determined : she thinks it is soft of him to see them as belonging to a universal latent hostility to strangers .
2 I went to see them as well and they told me to fill in another form .
3 Most governments in the old Eastern Bloc were concerned with social discipline , and they also stressed the importance of authority wielded through a strong state , but it would be wrong to see them as Conservative .
4 She arrives , convincingly , at a much more positive — for the women in question — interpretation ; but also one which allows the writings and lives of these women to have a depth and dimension for us which was simply not available in many cases while we insisted on trying to see them as sexual victims of appalling restrictions of personal freedom : to see them as though they were us .
5 Such claims might be contentious , but it would be odd to see them as meaningless .
6 Winston was picking a team of folk from all walks of life to see them as soon as they could .
7 Winter is the best time to see them as they can get quite overgrown in summer .
8 But neither of them saw Captain Meredith coming from the opposite direction on his way to visit Lawyer Loveitt , and he failed to see them as he crossed into Frog Lane seconds after they had left it .
9 He likes to admire pretty girls and will seldom harm them , sitting on a rock in the centre of the river to see them as they punt past .
10 But once they had left the house , and were at last too far away to hear her aunt 's and uncle 's farewells , or to see them as they stood outside in the yard , silhouetted against the lighted kitchen , excitement began to creep into Ruth and her spirits began to lift .
11 In a country of 17 million people , around one million actually travelled to see them as they journeyed from city to city .
12 Indeed , to see them as representing a kind of problem to which some solution might be found is to misunderstand their nature .
13 point out , as the latter have always been proletarian , it is senseless to see them as being proletarianized .
14 Twice he 'd lost sight of them and been obliged to put on speed or else run the risk of failing to see them as they took some minor road or turn-off .
15 But to see them as marginal or peripheral is something else again .
16 A loose umbrella reform group , whose members in the early years included both regulationists and their opponents , it embraced an ameliorist approach to social problems , shying away from any attempt to see them as structurally related .
17 She looked at Tommaso Talvi in her mind 's eye , she adjusted her image of him to fit with her sister 's , she inventoried his features , beginning with the eyes , and redrafted them in order to see them as ‘ pretty ’ , she scanned his caffelatte pallor and his big hands , grasping the bread she had cut for him , she looked at his mouth , the purplish fullness of his lips and the strong teeth that showed when he grinned , as he had done , often , but without laughter , when the men were disagreeing about the possibilities of change , the chances of the election on returning the Socialists , of bringing about improvements for the labourers now that the franchise had at last been widened to include some people who were n't bosses , like her father , a music teacher with a sense of honour , of justice .
18 ‘ Family physicians ’ enjoy the most extraordinary regard in our society : somewhere in our joint head we need to see them as knowing , honest , trustworthy , benign and caring folk — the truth of the matter being that they are as forgetful , spiteful and drunk as the next person — and as likely to grow old , lecherous and incompetent as anyone else .
19 The refusal to see the signs of malnutrition and dehydration , or the determination to see them as something other than what they are , as a nervous condition to be treated with painkillers , tranquillizers , tonics and elixirs , represents the worst instance of collective bad faith in Bom Jesus de Mata .
20 The world of learning , fired by the tension between the intellectual arguments of scholasticism and the more experiential piety of the monastic orders given a powerful voice by such men as Bernard of Clairvaux and Hugo and Richard of St Victor , was preoccupied with the relationship between the operations of reason and faith and a growing tendency to see them as distinct rather than complementary experiences , a climate of thought favourable to mystical theology .
21 Weir got out of commodity , or off-the-shelf , engineering goods , which it had been making almost since it was founded by the family in 1871 , seeing them as too sensitive to changes to domestic demand and expensive to produce compared with international competitors .
22 We tend to take plants for granted , seeing them as just another aspect of the environment and failing to appreciate the vital service which they perform both for ourselves and for all other living creatures on this planet .
23 After several years of thinking of sexism and heterosexism as different forms of oppression , we 've come back to seeing them as inextricably linked .
24 They had learned a new set of problem management techniques which they were beginning to use as a matter of course without seeing them as being a single method of solving a particular problem .
25 The result of seeing the difference in women 's experiences in positive rather than negative terms — seeing women as having something to offer philosophy rather than seeing them as inferior or aberrant versions of a male norm — is that the contours of familiar conceptual landscapes begin to change .
26 Sociologists and social anthropologists now have a clearer understanding of the nature of their propositions , seeing them as attempts to provide interpretative accounts of one social group 's ways of living to another group , which has a different set of values and assumptions .
27 I thought that people were always disappointed in their old friends ' children , seeing them as diluted , distorted versions of their parents , not nearly as much fun and full of peculiar new ideas .
28 But approaching the IRA from a nationalist perspective is very different from seeing them as savage , without apparent objectives other than the spread of evil .
29 You can have that Frank , you ca n't have several different sales reps going into seeing different people and my people seeing them as well .
30 The Marshal had seen them as they stood gossiping in the street at an equal distance between the two buildings so as to keep their doors in view , but it would be a waste of time trying to get her to admit it .
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