Example sentences of "see to [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I seen to them stockings … ’
2 Then set a task which requires trainees to apply what they have seen to their own situation .
3 On that night , Tuesday , 24 August 1773 , they talked of murderers being hanged — Lord Errol must have had a fund of such stories : he was the Lord High Constable of Scotland ; then they drank port , and were seen to their rooms by their host himself .
4 The funeral was over ; Paul need not trouble to come down , everything had been arranged ; Colonel Carteret , who lodged with her , had been most kind , and had seen to everything .
5 It remains to be seen to what extent they can be applied to social work .
6 It remains to be seen to what extent these concerns will be taken into account in the final proposal .
7 However , although the results of validity generalisation studies are impressive and constitute a strong argument in favour of using ability tests for personnel selection , it has yet to be seen to what extent its conclusions will be taken up by practitioners in the field .
8 It remains to be seen to what extent the operation of the new mergers policy will prove successful in helping to preserve a competitive environment throughout the EC .
9 He had seen to her as he had seen to her mother .
10 He had seen to her as he had seen to her mother .
11 I 'm gon na get get on that settee and I ai n't moving when I 've seen to her .
12 Could n't Jeanne , Euturpia , have seen to his stuff ?
13 Zoser , poor man , had seen to his own punishment .
14 Evolution must surely have seen to it that a good proportion of our thoughts are true of the world , and so in some simple sense the mind must perform computations which record the world and direct our behaviour appropriately .
15 He had done well that day — almost performed miracles — having located Mrs McLaren 's Scottish relations ; persuaded a most excellent and locally well-known lady to come at short notice and be in the house to stay with her ; and had seen to it that the house itself was tidied , and cleaned ready , and supplied with food .
16 ‘ Already seen to it , Ms Penumbra , ’ Reynard announced proudly .
17 Some brilliant goals from both sides had seen to it that the score was 2-all by the eightieth minute of the match .
18 Tim Littler has seen to it that guests will sample some of the great wines of the world with their dinner .
19 Had he not , through the magnetic influence he was able to exert even over those of his own race , personally seen to it at the Peace Conference that these Arabs were not sent unrewarded away ?
20 He had already seen to it that fodder had been stored in stone-built barns situated at strategic points on lower pastures .
21 Nature has seen to it that for the most part we see things as they are , and so have little occasion to say , ‘ It appears to be … . ’
22 And that morning 's takings had trebled and brought her new custom , for he had always seen to it that he was shod well and had good small clothes and shirts .
23 Unless , of course , they had not wanted him to know , and had seen to it that he had no address for them .
24 But the Colonel had seen to it that his name did not go forward for promotion .
25 Had the man who wrote the foreword been at No. 10 in those days he would doubtless have seen to it that this cricketer who displayed such honourable patriotism and high personal standards was given some decoration or other .
26 Tretyakov Director Yuriy Korolev confirmed the idea of construction with him , and now Yeltsin has effectively seen to it that the project is carried out .
27 Had she arranged for the sets to be changed three times during a dinner party , she would have seen to it that everybody noticed .
28 And what 's more , if she 'd been about in your time , instead of that man , nice little Neville Chamberlain , she 'd have given your old Hitler a few right-handers below the belt ; and seen to it that Britain was armed to the teeth , with an airforce twice the size of the Luftwaffe instead of a few old men with pitch forks and a handful of plucky chaps like yourself to keep the Nazis out .
29 I thought you 'd seen to it ’ dribble-brain ! ’ she yelled when she 'd finished directing Posi to alter the gases in the cargo areas .
30 ‘ I 've seen to it all .
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