Example sentences of "see in [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Such heroic ambition reminds one of the ambition which can frequently be seen in sons of mothers who have made their children too dependent on them but who are themselves ambitious and aggressive and unconsciously see their male children as their own frustrated masculinity — in the concrete terms in which the unconscious always thinks , as their penis .
2 Again , contrary to some reports I 've seen in newspapers , you do n't film only instruments , to the exclusion of the players ' faces .
3 Probably sixty-three or sixty-four , and according to the photographs she had seen in newspapers and geographical magazines , and his occasional appearances on television , he looked considerably younger than his age , and very fit indeed .
4 Even expensive and exotic breeds — such as the loose-skinned Japanese shar peis which sell for $1,000 — are often seen in shelters .
5 Tony 's handywork can be seen in houses big and small .
6 Deeper down in the chest , where Tod does n't often burrow , the women get appreciably younger and are to be seen in things like shorts and swimwear .
7 It is most usually seen in women aged 30–50 , and gets worse in hot , humid weather , in the cold , and following hot drinks , eating highly seasoned foods or a period of emotional stress .
8 But whether we speak of monasteries or cathedral churches , music is a touchstone of the liturgical development ( also seen in service-books , ritual orders , hymns , and liturgical sermons ) which binds the Carolingian and Ottonian periods together .
9 In the area of questioning , it may be that boys assume they know the answers because in society men have traditionally taken the lead and are seen in positions of authority and superiority .
10 The Japanese influence is seen in ornaments , bridge — and the Koi .
11 It confirms some of the things that can be clearly seen in paintings and drawings made before reading this .
12 The serveuses reminded me of those I had seen in paintings by Monet .
13 The increase was particularly seen in males with a rise in the male:female ratio from 3.1:1 to 3.7:1 .
14 A good example of this imbalance can be seen in psycholinguistics , where the study of language comprehension , being more experimental , is markedly more advanced than the study of language production , in which the investigator has less control over what happens .
15 This idea evolved after scientists recognised the similarity of damage to the brain and spinal cord seen in divers and in sufferers of multiple sclerosis .
16 Other easily recognised Balanchine signatures can be seen in passages marked Stretto where his dancers stab their toes into the floor as they travel across the stage in posés attitudes devant or à la seconde .
17 The Old Testament 's understanding of the character which the name reveals is well seen in passages such as Exodus 34:6ff. ; Psalms 103 ; 111 ; 146 ; Micah 7:18–19 .
18 I am not aware of any deaths of babies with prolonged expiratory apnoea in Gwynedd although over 30 cases a year are seen in wards or outpatient clinics ( the child population of Gwynedd is about 45000 with 2800 births a year ) .
19 A considerable overlap of values can be seen in controls and patients with oesophagitis Grade 0 and I , as well as among all oesophagitis groups .
20 this was significantly higher than the value of 0 ( 0–0.6 ) pg/mg seen in controls ( n=23 , p<0.001 , fig 1 ) .
21 Appraisal is attracting more attention because ( as we have seen in Chapters 2 and 3 ) accountability has become politically fashionable .
22 We have seen in Chapters 17 , 18 , and 22 that these processes are diverse .
23 In creating these files or databases , pupils go through an information handling process , as was seen in Chapters 5 and 6 .
24 Using language normally seen in missives asking for one 's child to be excused from games , Ms Smith 's mother , Mrs Patsy Smith was quoted as saying , ‘ Mandy ca n't have sex because she 's not well enough . ’
25 This kind of asymmetry can even be seen in pairs of originally parallel male and female terms , like bachelor and spinster or courtier and courtesan .
26 Some could be seen in lay-bys , others turned up in Shropshire and Wales .
27 The existence of two different ways of actualizing the potential meaning of to in discourse is clearly seen in sentences which can be ambiguous : ( 6 ) I got up and opened my mouth to commence a downright torrent of abuse .
28 It was also a revelation to see the wildlife — birds and animals which I had only seen in Zoos were free for me to enjoy .
29 This is most clearly seen in studies of the primate visual cortex ( Maunsell and Newsome 1987 ) .
30 The same kinds of effect can be seen in studies of families with disabled young adults ( Hirst , 1984 ) and a disabled spouse ( Martin and White , 1988 ) .
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