Example sentences of "see [prep] first " in BNC.

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1 The shape of this 30ft by 45ft design seemed to make it appear wider and not all features could be seen at first glance .
2 ‘ I have seen at first hand her effect on people young and old .
3 You may have experienced something similar with shampoo : use the same one for too long and the remarkable results you may have seen at first begin to diminish after a few washes .
4 When you 've lived around men like that for as long as I have , when you 've seen at first hand what they 're capable of , then you can come here and tell me how to handle my affairs .
5 ‘ There was another side to him which I did n't see at first .
6 After all , the member can see at first hand what nice people the Conservatives are .
7 The existence of a London Showroom for the contract and international market is a vital part of the marketing process where designers can see at first hand the fabrics and curtains to be used in their interiors .
8 if you look at the cure of erm th the Blind Man of Bethsiedum which happened a little earlier , a similar thing happens when Jesus cures his sight , he ca n't see at first and Jesus has to do some more work on him with spit , spittle and er you know the , but there 's something behind that it 's not just a er a nature miracle , sorry a healing miracle overcoming physical ailments , that 's spectacular in itself but the can take something else on board here without the attitude of people and their willingness to accept who Jesus was and what his details of participant Bartiamaus had been given the vision he 'd been given was more than just his eyesight .
9 Zitel Corp saw in first quarter net losses of $3.1m against $61,000 profits last time , on sales down 43.7% to $6.3m .
10 Towards the and of his stint , he filled a gap in the team for the Italian GP at Monza — and saw at first hand one of BRM 's famous fiascos .
11 When I first met John Hurt in 1977 , when he was in Devon filming The Shout , I saw at first hand how much he drank .
12 Thus I saw at first hand the developing excitement within the scientific community on two continents as thousands of us changed research programmes literally overnight and attempted to replicate the phenomenon .
13 She saw at first hand the imperialist arrogance of the British in her mother country , aptly illustrated by the signs in the parks which baldly stated ‘ no dogs or Chinese allowed ’ .
14 Truman later record that at Potsdam he " saw at first hand what we and the West had to face in the future " .
15 I saw at first hand what a regressive prison regime does to prisoners .
16 ‘ I saw at first hand the problems Linfield had with travel arrangements and communications … give me Belfast every time . ’
17 ‘ I saw at first hand the problems Linfield had with travel arrangements and communications … give me Belfast every time . ’
18 VISITORS to Middlesbrough Council 's Southlands Leisure Centre saw at first hand that the world of fun and sport was literally on their doorstep .
19 They were going to the home of opera , to listen to some Verdi , Puccini and Donizetti ; and to see at first hand the fine art and architecture that he had studied and only previously heard about or seen in books .
20 They were able to see at first hand the handling procedures and planning involved in stowing their goods safely for transport to Europe , as well as being able to sample some of the other delights that Germany is renowned for ; schnapps and Pils .
21 There may be nothing much to see at first , but you will usually be rewarded in the end .
22 All day long she had wondered how he had managed to bamboozle his way into a consultancy , but first the calm , unflappable way he had dealt with Steve and now here , with the devastated relatives , Kathleen had an opportunity to see at first hand the qualities that set him apart as a consultant .
23 Central News South has been to South America to see at first hand the lives that Oxfam hopes to improve .
24 As thousands of refugees prepare for winter , our reporter Kim Barnes has flown in with a plane-load of desperately-needed warm clothing , to see at first hand the work being done to help .
25 And as they walked around the 230 acre farm , all of it in the extended Less Favoured Areas , they were able to see at first hand why Hume Stewart-Moore and his son Michael were so successful .
26 Well you I had to load for h for him you see at first .
27 I thank my hon. Friend for the time and trouble that he took last week to visit my constituency and see at first hand the problems caused by and resulting from British Rail .
28 Some of them even have to be parents when they get home where they see at first hand the pressures to supply children with fashionable merchandise .
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