Example sentences of "see [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 No , I think she 's gone to see about a divorce . ’
2 It had been the day he had gone to see about a job he had heard of for a general handyman who had some experience with animals .
3 I do n't honestly know , he said er , he 's got to go in for his test , he said , and then I 'll have to see about a car so I do n't know whether they 're gon na buy him one or not
4 Unable to summon the courage to enter the cold dark of the river the man , a lawyer by profession , finds himself at odd moments thereafter , and even in the courtroom , increasingly assailed by a laugh at the back of his mind , a laugh that mocks his whole posture in the world , a laugh that progressively exposes in him what he chooses to see as a guilty pretence .
5 Allen had crept under a bush and even asleep was as difficult to see as a wild creature .
6 The use of the mouth to caress and suck the genitals of either sex is more likely to produce disgust in some people , and is treated by many who indulge in oral sex as a ‘ problem ’ , an activity they have learned to see as a deviation from normal sexual activity .
7 The power of the pope to depose an unsatisfactory emperor goes back to the Dictatus Pape of Gregory VII — a power which Innocent preferred to see as a right to inspect , approve and crown , but there is little doubt that it was important in the papal moral armoury .
8 I would also expect to see as a result of local shortages , more sharing of dwellings , by households who have formed not the same of concealed households who have n't succeeded in .
9 I do n't intend to discuss the housing , whether seven hundred acres , sorry seven l land for seven hundred houses is owned by the City of York , that 's not part of our case one way or the other , but we have offered you a distribution of the Greater York provision figure between the districts , because from Barton Willmore 's very extensive experience of participation in local plan work up and down the country , I think we share the view that er City of York have , that Ryedale have , my colleagues to the left and right on this side of the table have , that there does need to be a distribution , otherwise there will be at best confusion as to whether local plans comply with the structure plan , and at worst a game of of pass the parcel and everybody will be conforming , but nobody will actually be possibly meeting the figures , and that is the situation that I do n't think anybody would wish to see as a result of er the outcome of of alteration number three , I mean I do n't know how the County Council would would really be able to say whether they thought a local plan conformed to the structure plan , without knowing what that distribution was , perhaps in some bottom draw manner which is not now the approved way of going about these things , so that I think there does need to be a distribution for the proper planning of York , and before coming on to our to explain our figures a little bit , I should also say , perhaps in in response to remarks Mr Thomas made earlier on about the general character of the York area and the need to protect that , that that course is precisely what the greenbelt is for , and what it does , it is n't necessary to extend that concept across the whole of the vale of York , and therefore to seek to er discount migration outside the greenbelt .
10 Did he ever come not merely to see as a possibility but actually to possess a conviction of what can be called the benign indifference of the universe ?
11 I literally stopped seeing for a very long time .
12 After a couple of days of complete rest you can do all the things that you have been meaning to do for ages — jobs around the house ; shopping for clothes ; meeting friends for lunch ; having day trips out to places of interest ; doing the garden ; sunbathing ; fruit-picking at the local pick-your-own farm and filling up your freezer ; writing a book you have always meant to write or painting ; seeing all the shows that you are too tired to see during a working week ; and so on .
13 Seeing through a glass darkly ’ , he once told an ecumenical committee , ‘ is not the same thing as an ecumenical fog. , After the war he began to travel to meetings as a consultant .
14 The case for seeing through a glass darkly
15 When one is engaged in seeing through a major public project , when that project concerns the international inheritance that is Venice , and when the whole is being financed with State money , the first guideline that should be brought into play is the moral yardstick .
16 Namaliu rode out the protest and was successful in seeing through an initial parliamentary vote on a constitutional reform which would restrict the number of votes of no confidence .
17 DSC Communications Corp , Dallas has seen off a shareholder suit brought against the company and some of its officers in 1991 over the problems some of the Baby Bells had with the software for the MegaHub Signal Transfer Point : the suit has been dismissed without prejudice and the motion to certify class action status for it has been declared moot .
18 Long experience suggests that magnetic disks have seen off a long series of challenges over the past 15 years — but a review of the survival and thriving of the technology gives a very partial and inadequate view .
19 Most common cavity episodes had a single transient UOS relaxation , but up to five were seen during a single episode .
20 And they are getting hands-on experience of a giant octopus , molluscs and butterflies with the life-like models made and collected by naturalist Ian Coggin , left , seen during a training session with primary teachers at Whinny Banks junior school , Middlesbrough .
21 Patients were accepted for endoscopic injection if an active bleeder ( spurter or oozer ) was seen during an emergency endoscopic examination after resuscitation .
22 Ultimately death itself may be seen as a release .
23 Indeed , there is an implicit struggle between critic and artist ; an artist 's manifesto can be seen as a deliberate attempt to pre-empt critical comment and evaluation .
24 And there is a point of view from which Ronald Fraser might be seen as a man of Marxist leanings who paid a professional adviser what may have been a fair whack of a working man 's wages to enquire with him into the deficiencies of his affective life .
25 The commemoration of the dead in the First World War was seen as a triumphalist commemoration of those who died for Britain .
26 However , in the interests of Western European stability and its own financial position , the British government is perhaps still putting off the final offer — either British withdrawal or some form of power-sharing with catholic nationalists — in the hope of loyalists coming round to what is seen as a more reasonable position .
27 Rather than such force being seen as a prerogative of the state , it is seen by many in the alliance to inhere in the people of Ulster who over and over again need to assert their autonomous rights .
28 The salvation history of the Bible is coupled with what is seen as a significant period in the history of the protestants of Ireland .
29 This could be seen as a sign of healthy growth and change ; yet the new fittings and equipment installed are usually totally insensitive to the design quality of the original .
30 Her last film ‘ RATTLE OF A SIMPLE MAN ’ ( 1964 ) whose commercial and critical failure ended her career , can be seen as a woman 's reply to the eulogies of the working class male celebrated by John Osbourne and his like , and it does so by poking fun at the ideology of the male and his crude sexism .
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