Example sentences of "see [noun sg] [num] " in BNC.

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1 Yes , and er you have to hurry to see plot two because if people move in late on Tuesday , but erm we can see that monitor development , it er we are we are a quality builder , we 're not a clown .
2 They arrived at the edge of the trees just in time to see Angel One advance to stand over the sprawled figure of Brett Grant .
3 However , the results of experiments on members of a number of African tribes whose culture does not include the custom of depicting three-dimensional objects by two-dimensional perspective drawings indicate that the members of those tribes would not have seen Figure 3 as a staircase but as a two-dimensional array of lines .
4 I shall have to watch number Three cos I ai n't seen number Three .
5 I mean , you know , everything 's plate one , have you ever seen plate two , three or four or ?
6 It 's good i have you seen Robocop Two ?
7 Have you seen Robocop Two ?
8 As we shall see TRACE II takes this principle several steps further .
9 See Chapter 26 .
10 Although the court order should specify a time-limit in which the conveyance must be completed ( so that compliance can be enforced — see Chapter 8 ) such time-limit is rarely adhered to in practice .
11 Such judgment or order if the final time limit has expired , may be enforced by committal by a judge ( Ord 29 , r 1(1) ) — see Chapter 23 .
12 Let's see Presentation One .
13 Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands ( SPD — Social Democratic Party , Björn Engholm ch. — see p. 38199 ) ; Partei des Demokratischen Sozialismus ( PDS — Party of Democratic Socialism , formerly East German ruling communist party under the name of Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands ( SED — Socialist Unity Party of Germany ) , Gregor Gysi ch . ) ;
14 The Kingdom of the Netherlands ( comprising the Netherlands in Europe , the Netherlands Antilles , and Aruba — see p. 38236 ) is a constitutional monarchy whose three parts nominally enjoy full autonomy .
15 Sikh separatists were reported to have massacred up to 57 people , mainly police officers and their relatives , in the first two weeks of August in retaliation against the recent killing of three Sikh militant leaders , namely Gurjant Singh Budhsinghwala , head of the Khalistan Liberation Force ( killed in July — see p. 39008 ) , his successor , Navroop Singh ( killed on Aug. 2 ) and Sukhdev Singh Babbar , chief of the Babbar Khalsa International ( killed on Aug. 9 ) .
16 Alessandro Natta , who had been secretary of the PCI from June 1984 to June 1988 ( when he had been succeeded by Achille Occhetto — see p. 35989 ) , announced his retirement from active political life in May 1990 .
17 ( In November 1989 Akbulut had succeeded Özal as both Prime Minister and ANAP chairman — see p. 37051 . )
18 Following the June departure from the Commission of Carlo Ripa De Meana [ see p. 38943 ] , it was announced on July 2 that Karel Van Miert ( already an EC Commissioner — see p. 38504 ) would take over his responsibilities until a formal appointment was made .
19 Countries establishing diplomatic relations with the Baltic states before Sept. 6 included Iceland ( the first to do so — see p. 37945 ) , Austria , Belgium , Canada , Denmark , Finland , France , Germany , Hungary , Italy , Norway , Poland , Portugal , Romania , Spain , Sweden , Switzerland , the United Kingdom , and ( on Sept. 2 ) the United States .
20 At a joint press conference , Yeltsin raised the controversial issue of Macedonia and foreshadowed the imminent recognition of Macedonian independence by Russia ( formalized on Aug. 6 — see p. 39036 ) , saying that " the people of that country alone have the right to decide its name " .
21 In the third economic package in 1989 [ for January and May measures see p. 36778 ] , measures were adopted by the Cabinet on July 7 with the aim of cooling the economy by lowering inflation ( then running at an annual rate of 6 per cent ) , by restricting economic growth to 4.5 per cent ( from its current annual rate of 6 per cent ) , and by withdrawing more than 500,000 million ptas from circulation , and also to stop tax fraud .
22 Pro-Hekmatyar guerrillas demanded the departure from Kabul of forces led by the Uzbek Gen. Abdul Rashid Dostam ( whose defection had triggered the fall of the Najibullah regime — see p. 38847 ) .
23 It was also announced that the RSFSR government had decided to merge together the Russian Information Agency and the Novosti news agency ( which had been brought under RSFSR control after the failed coup — see p. 38372 ) as one agency headed by the former Novosti chief Andrei Vinogradov .
24 The trial of the two Islamic Salvation Front ( FIS ) leaders , Abassi Madani and Ali Belhadj ( which had been suspended on June 27 — see p. 38981 ) , resumed on July 12 , although the accused continued to refuse to recognize the authority of the military court in Blida .
25 Elections to all the Republic Assemblies were held in 1990 : in April and early May in Slovenia and Croatia ( where the communists were defeated — see p. 37381 ) ; in November and December in Serbia and Montenegro ( where the Socialist Party — renamed communists — gained majorities ) , and in Macedonia and Bosnia-Hercegovina ( where nationalists came to power — see pp. 37923-24 ) .
26 These ranged from an economic blockade of Lithuania in April 1990 [ see pp. 37360-62 ] , and violent military intervention in the Baltics in January 1991 [ see pp. 37944-45 ] , through a continuing " battle of the laws " with the RFSFR , to efforts to mediate over or exploit inter-ethnic conflicts within and between seceding republics ( such as the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh and the South Ossetia dispute in Georgia — see p. 37971 ) .
27 On Russian television on July 4 , Yeltsin said that Kozyrev 's remarks had been assessed at the Security Council as " harmful " , and suggested that if Kozyrev wanted to " be a prophet like [ Eduard ] Shevardnadze , then act like Shevardnadze " ( a reference to the latter 's resignation as Soviet Foreign Minister in December 1990 after warning of an impending coup — see p. 37903 ) .
28 An Azeri attack on Armenian territory around the village of Artsvashen in western Azerbaijan in early August prompted Armenian President Levon Ter-Petrosyan on Aug. 10 to appeal to the signatories of the Commonwealth of Independent States ( CIS ) collective security treaty ( signed by six member states at the Tashkent summit in May — see p. 38922 ) to " carry out their obligations " in coming to Armenia 's aid .
29 For many months virtually everywhere in the Soviet Union stocks in state shops of even basic foodstuffs such as bread had been growing increasingly erratic , although some of the blame for this lay in the withholding of deliveries to the state supply network by farms and local authorities , in anticipation of prices rising or to meet local needs [ for indications of breakdown in the distribution system in May see p. 37538 ] .
30 [ For anti-government protests in May see p. 38898 ; for 1987 general election see pp. 35237-38 . ]
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