Example sentences of "know [pron] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 As a child she had not had time for many fairy stories and did not now know them to tell to her daughter again , but instead she showed her the pictures .
2 What is your name , wife , that I may know whom to thank ? ’
3 She had been spared telephoning after all — she realized that she did not even know whom to ask for at the hotel in Bandol .
4 A dark , sinister masque is being played out and we do not know whom to trust .
5 When did you ever know me to go on a diet ?
6 Anyone in Hong Kong with a problem — be it so trivial as to know which horse to place a bet on , or so crucial as to know whom to marry — can ask the god Won Tai Sin , whose temple is to be found in the middle of a vast housing estate in north Kowloon , and who came to fame by turning boulders into sheep .
7 Then , however , you really must be prepared to stick to your principles and beliefs because throughout the coming months you simply have to know whom to trust and who must be shown the door .
8 So , like you sir , I did n't know which to choose . ’
9 On the basis of interviews with prisoners in The Netherlands and England , Downes concluded that there was less ‘ depth ’ to imprisonment in the former , a parallel to John Howard 's conclusion two centuries earlier : ‘ I do not know which to admire most , the neatness and cleanliness appearing in the prisons , the industry and regular conduct of the prisoners , or the humanity and attention of the magistrates and regents . ’
10 Yet I did not know which to trust : the splintered yet separately concrete vision of myself each man offered me which was the product of his necessary fantasy ; or the amorphous , difficult to establish whole self which struggled to say that his vision of me and mine through his , had distorted it .
11 We are a nation of voluntary workers and there are so many organisations that it is sometimes difficult to know which to choose to help .
12 In that case , you will need to know which to choose .
13 The infinitive may also be preceded by a relative pronoun ( He did n't know who(m) to depend on ) .
14 But then Summerchild did n't know himself to start with , by the sound of it .
15 I did n't know who to telephone first — my husband , to tell him the amazing news — or Sally Bulgin , editor of The Artist , to ask if she was really sure my picture was the chosen one !
16 I did n't know who to turn to and I felt really desperate .
17 ‘ Chris , I really did n't know who to turn to ; and that voice made me shiver .
18 PLEASE help , I just do n't know who to turn to .
19 Put your hand up first and then we 'll know who to listen to please .
20 Crosby in 1981 was a classic example : the voters lost a man they had known for thirty years and they did n't know who to vote for instead .
21 The answers come immediately : ‘ So we wo n't be cheated ’ ; ’ So we wo n't have to say , ‘ I do n't know how to sign my name ’ ’ ; ‘ So we can help the kids with their homework ’ ; ‘ So we 'll know who to vote for .
22 If you would like to do that but do n't know who to ask , have a word with me ( I 'll come ! ) .
23 He does n't know how to wear them and he does n't know who to ask .
24 This could allow the court , as in the Goodwin case , to order a reporter to reveal his notes so the company whose information was leaked would know who to sue .
25 I got a nice bit of money and such like I do n't know who to leave it to .
26 He do n't know who to say hello to .
27 He do n't know who to say hello to you or me or what .
28 But how do you know who to talk to in the first place ?
29 Their squad could just prove to be too big , ie Ferguson may not know who to pick .
30 If there is to be a major publicity launch of some kind , or you 're going to have , if you 've got an advert in some magazine , journal , newspaper or whatever , and you 're asking for people to call in , please let the switchboard know who to put the calls through to , and what it 's likely to be about .
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