Example sentences of "time [prep] first " in BNC.

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1 The Committee recommends that the NHS Management Executive should ensure that all English Regional Health Authorities set broad standards for waiting times for such appointments , and that the Management Executive should require District Health Authorities and Family Health Services Authorities to take urgent action to reduce waiting times for first appointments .
2 The publication of Waiting times for first outpatient appointments in the NHS , the report of a workshop commissioned by the Department of Health , therefore provides a timely reminder of the issues and offers some worthwhile solutions .
3 Wall charts and card indexes displayed data on inpatient waiting , new referrals , numbers waiting for an appointment , and waiting times for first non-urgent appointments as well as information on theatre availability and bed state .
4 Patients are now being promised local charter standards for waiting times for first outpatient appointments and maximum clinic waiting times of 30 minutes .
5 Played six times for first team last season .
6 This means cases ( which are generally adjourned four times from first hearing to sentence ) are taking 20 weeks to complete instead of eight .
7 Waiting time for first outpatient appointment
8 Obviously , the length of time between first use and second use and , subsequently , between first use and daily use , is intimately related to a number of personal and social factors .
9 Demand for the services offered by these units has varied considerably with a consequence that the length of time between first contact with the GP and first appointment has fluctuated between two weeks and three months .
10 During the first excitation interval ( i.e. the time between first and second step commands ) the motor must move far enough and attain sufficient velocity to ensure that synchronism with the step commands is maintained when the excitation changes from BC to CD .
11 The first is the average length of time between first receipt of an application and a visit .
12 The factors selected were mean OBS score at time of first assessment , whether the sufferer was singly or doubly incontinent at least once daily , whether he or she engaged in persistent wandering away from home , whether he or she lived alone , and whether he or she had no closely involved informal carer .
13 Most of this care was provided by relatives , but one-fifth of all the samples was — at the time of first data collection — receiving some informal care from friends or neighbours .
14 For mortality , the intensity of selection in a stable population ( r=0 ) remains constant during the pre-reproductive period because the consequences of death for reproductive success remain constant ; selection intensity starts to decline only at the time of first breeding .
15 Sexual maturity is reached in the female at the time of first menstruation — the discharge via the vagina of the unfertilised egg and of a lining which has grown in the uterus during the egg 's development .
16 The process of intervention will be studied over a four month period from the time of first referral .
17 They did not , for instance , examine how a head looks at the development of fellow-staff after the time of first appointment .
18 The mean duration of the disease from first diagnosis to the time of first biliary stent placement was 65 months ( range 5–180 ) .
19 At the time of first detection , they were usually located in the transitional zone between the corpus and antrum .
20 Patient M17 was the only individual who was colonised by the epidemic strain at the time of first referral to the unit .
21 Time to first print is roughly 45 seconds and multi-copy printing pulls that up to the rated 6 pages per minute claimed for the unit .
22 That 's not at all bad , but expect time to first print to be longer for highly graphical subjects .
23 Beecham said that any fool can conduct three concerts with an orchestra , but to go on improving is like going on a race track where it is possible to improve your time at first , but each new improvement involves great effort and often some danger .
24 If the patient has changed a lot in his attitudes , you should bide your time at first , if you can , in case he does recover to become as before .
25 A classmate said : ‘ We used to talk about the affair all the time at first .
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