Example sentences of "up through the " in BNC.

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1 Leave a few marrows on the plants to ripen fully , raising them up through the foliage into the sun by resting on bricks .
2 Then , when the glider pilot recognises he is far too low , any quick movement to regain position takes the glider up through the same wind gradient , causing a sudden surge of speed and producing an unexpected and possibly uncontrollable gain of height .
3 These lifts go up through the ceiling into the room above .
4 Droves of grey and brown horses grazed on the haugh beyond , milling round the still point of a tall grey monolith which thrust up through the turf like a stone sword .
5 ‘ All right , then — Alastair can go up through the Glen of the Birks and use the old byre below Urlar .
6 And yet , while God doing everything for Sonya remains shielded by her faith , the green shawl keeps cropping up through the novel for all to see .
7 French patriotism had been whipped Up through the antics of her revolutionary armies abroad , but the Russian Civil War had no effect of this kind .
8 From Cardiff the route snakes up through the valleys south of Caerphilly , over the Ebbw River , through the Ebbw Forest and on via the mining town of Risca to Pontypool .
9 These conditions touch on many aspects of our national life : health threatened by overcrowded and insanitary homes ; education retarded when children have no room in which to do homework , or arrive tired at school after sleeping in a room with several others ; marriages broken up through the strain of sharing a home or making do in cramped and uncomfortable quarters ; Borstal institutions , remand homes and approved schools filled by the products of an unhappy home life .
10 In Laing 's view , getting to the top in management by climbing up through the ranks is fifty per cent luck , but when the opportunities present themselves , they have to be grasped , and that often requires courage .
11 The weir is formed of stones which shoot fine sprays of water up through the gravel on the river bed in a similar fashion to a jacuzzi .
12 Nathan helped me to my feet and very cautiously picked a way up through the boulders and small crags towards the road .
13 ‘ I thought we could move up through the shop , better ourselves .
14 Mr Yeltsin is a successful career communist who fought his way up through the construction-industry bureaucracy to become first secretary of Sverdlovsk , his home town and one of the largest cities in the Soviet Union .
15 He ran up through the quarry and climbed over the gate into the field with the ewes and the new lambs , then up the side of the wood till he reached the gate into it .
16 ‘ It 's a part of my life , and I 'm never going to give it up , ’ I said as we hurried up through the copse .
17 Laughter bubbles from her lungs up through the water .
18 Philip Stevens tells the story of the first ceremonial convoy through the Grand Junction , travelling north from Norton Junction where the new Canal joined the Grand Junction , up through the Watford Locks , obviously finished in great haste , through the tunnels at Crick and Husbands Bosworth , and down the Foxton Flight into the Leicester and Northants .
19 The continual slamming of the seas under the bridge-deck beat at them , fountaining up through the manhole Trent had unscrewed in the saloon deck .
20 He cut power , toe snapping up through the gears .
21 Safe in the central eye of the storm , they had ten or fifteen minutes in which to reach the comparative safety of the track leading up through the rain forest to the President 's cabin .
22 He cut up through the forest to where he 'd left the shotguns and followed the treeline round to the left until he hit a shallow ravine almost opposite the cabin .
23 Compadrazgo relations are set up through the ritual sponsorship of the church system of appointing godparents for children .
24 A large iron drive-wheel projects high up through the front wall , providing a source of power for ancillary equipment .
25 On your left are dark , steep steps up through the wall into one of the greatest centres of culture in Bohemia — the Strahov Monastery and library .
26 If you are wearing sensible shoes , it is possible to join the path up through the woods on Petřín Hill , past some of the 16 and 18C walling now made into lookout towers , with lovely views over the city .
27 They forged up through the clachan , stabbing and striking up the crowded lane .
28 These two executive/client spaces are supported by five white pre-cast columns , tow of which drive up through the room and terrace above .
29 Alongside , it grew other patterns of pastoral care and supervision , based upon organization by years , with year-tutors often moving up through the school with the pupils , at least some of whom they could teach on a regular basis .
30 If anything should happen to a diver 's umbilical , mask or helmet , this air supply can be used , either through a demand valve , a hose connected by a quick connect , or a hose end fed up through the neck dam of the helmet .
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