Example sentences of "out with the " in BNC.

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1 Its daring conception , ideal in the highest sense of the word , is based on the purest truth , and wrought out with the concentrated knowledge of a life , its colour is almost perfect , not one false or morbid hue in any part or line , and so modulated that every square inch of canvas is a perfect composition ; its drawing is as accurate as fearless ; the ship buoyant , bending , and full of motion ; its tones as true as they are wonderful ; and the whole picture dedicated to the most sublime of subjects and impressions … the power , majesty and deathfulness of the open , deep , illimitable sea .
2 As was so chillingly illustrated by the postwar period of mass destruction and misconceived redevelopment , it is possible to throw the baby out with the bathwater .
3 However insignificant , they still do n't deserve to be thrown out with the bathwater , or rather the pond water .
4 As ‘ real polises ’ we were correctly distributed in space and our bodies were properly turned out with the symbols of order .
5 They may also know of people seeking work for a few hours or days per week , perhaps to help out with the garden , or heavier household tasks , or shopping .
6 As I suggested apropos the Petrashevsky Circle , one feels an urge to smoke Dostoevsky out with the question , who 's talking ?
7 a name not to be worn out with the years .
8 If a deal was hammered out with the banks , an accompanying rights issue to raise up to £400m from existing private shareholders was likely next spring .
9 ‘ We just could n't come out with the key hits .
10 We met one of the Medics who informed me that the bodies of Les and the other three Commandos had been taken through the village and laid out with the other dead in front of the Chateau .
11 In both Scotland and Lancashire it was barely 3,000 , while the militant Kent coalfield had been totally wiped out with the successive closures of Snowdon , Tilmanston and Betteshanger pits .
12 In this situation , the onus is on the band to sell all the tickets and to come out with the extra money .
13 At a press conference in Phoenix , Balestre initially hinted at a conciliatory line in the dispute between CART and FISA , but then came out with the stern suspension threat , which also encompassed Indycar engine makers Cosworth and Ilmor .
14 He found that he could n't go out with the lads anymore , and he felt he 'd lost his happy-go-lucky side .
15 These , too , had been fated , Wexford 's broken by a pretty young woman who was helping him with his enquiries and Burden 's one day inadvertently put out with the rubbish .
16 Twenty containers later , the movements NCO came out with the rest of my day 's details — five trailers to cross-load ready for the Bicester lads to pick up later in the afternoon .
17 It always is on the nights I 'm out with the UDR .
18 A brief halt at the Military Police Post to book out with the Belgian Military Policeman on duty , and they are off along the main road into Corlu .
19 She is nevertheless perfectly happy to go out with the guns and take the boys .
20 This is not the same as ‘ force-feeding ’ doctrine ; one can sympathise with Jayne Greenwell 's reservations , but we should be careful what gets thrown out with the bathwater .
21 Smith should have been on the bench for London 's game against the Midlands last Saturday but had to drop out with the same complaint .
22 ‘ We have even offered to go out with the police in their cars to help . ’
23 Smith should have been on the bench for London 's game against the Midlands last Saturday but had to drop out with the same complaint .
24 It was founded in 1970 by two American Quaker couples in Vancouver , British Colombia , who fell out with the Sierra Club , the long-established American conservationist organization , over its cautious stand on nuclear power and its refusal to become involved in big international issues .
25 These views concern the fact that the singular particular things which we can point to and pick out with the words ‘ this ’ and ‘ that ’ , and to which we often give names , such as ‘ James ’ or ‘ John ’ , are not thought of as being merely particular .
26 The itinerary for this competition appeared to have been worked out with the sole aim of maximizing the profit of the air operators who did the transporting .
27 And was he ever : his every decibel rang out with the wide-vowelled purity of a native Mid-westerner .
28 And of course , we 've seen her in the gossip columns , stepping out with the rich , the famous and the suntanned .
29 Wholesale changes took place within the management and trade union organisations , with the good going out with the bad .
30 ‘ Clarissa , I 've got to have it out with the bitch .
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