Example sentences of "out and [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She ran it beneath the cold tap for a moment then dried it and returned to the pan , lowering the heat , scooping the eggs out and onto a plate .
2 With his unbuttoned shirt hanging outside his trousers , and his bare feet thrust into his shoes , he clattered out and down the stairs , his socks clutched ridiculously in his hand .
3 Then , putting it on and pulling the collar tight about her throat , she lit the candle that was standing in a holder on her bedside table , and went quietly out and along the corridor to the kitchen , through it and into the scullery , where they had a running tap above a shallow stone sink .
4 Okay , I 'll just jump out and post this letter
5 As remaining male stragglers dragged their shocked bodies out and past the ‘ Men Only ’ sign , the women relaxed and , for the first time in over a quarter of a century , Irish women 's bodies felt the pleasure of sea and hot rocks in the Forty Foot at Sandycove .
6 They swung out and past some small , slower car , overtaking it as though it was stationary ; headlights ahead of them glared , the on-coming car flashed its lights and she heard its horn sound as they passed , a few seconds later .
7 Also out and worth watching are : The Rocketeer , Meeting Venus , A Rage in Harlem , City Slickers , and Alice .
8 This grows gradually more difficult and strenuous until a final wild swing out and over a jammed block deposits the leader in a superb eyrie behind a tottering pinnacle .
9 He could see small fields , woods and a lake up there , and from the lake a river spilled out and over the edge …
10 ‘ I thought he 'd saved it at first and was turning to run back to defend when it popped out and over the line .
11 The sociolinguist and the anthropologist , then , in studying the various functions of spoken and written language , begin from the social data of the conventions in which they are acted out and through which members of that culture are socialised into their use .
12 I was out and under the bonnet when I got stopped by this policeman .
13 Eva was out and up the steps before the other leader , greeting her deputy with an affectionate hug and kiss , much to the surprise of the man who was still climbing the steps .
14 I ai n't no building them just to get all out and up done , I mean the programme now looks crowded , but when you look at the new programme it 's just full , there 's nowhere else and no more room in them boxes to write my instead of one every two , three months , there 's four and five every month starts something
15 And still felt washed out and without energy ?
16 ‘ I was scared she would get out and off the estate , wake up and — and … ’
17 It was entitled ‘ The Condemned Cell ? ’ and I cut it out and for some while it was on my desk .
18 Their emergency rations ran out and for three days they had just water .
19 Often the only way for that to happen was for those already in the cities to move out and for those contemplating a move in not to come .
20 It was as if the sun had suddenly come out and for all his age and infirmity , Lovat caught his breath .
21 For walking out and for Sundays he had a cord jacket and cord trousers .
22 Erm but we do need an approval to go out and for quotations and sorry tenders on this , on this work , which is actually urgent .
23 Er then election day we were out all day with , with a driver of a car getting people out and for them or going through the motions .
24 The messenger ambled out and for no good reason everybody stopped talking until they heard the lock click .
25 Taking up an oil-can she went out and towards the old outbuildings , to the door next to the one leading into the barn and , moving it , she found that it had n't been oiled .
26 She was obviously relieved to have got out and to be on the boat home .
27 In fact , Berger completed the slowing down lap , which indicated a pessimistic computer and justified his theory that , had Schumacher got really close in the final laps , he would have gone flat out and to hell with the consequences .
28 Quite transcendent , quite beyond the abilities of most people , and it really takes somebody like that to pull the genre up , to be singled out and to be remembered that way .
29 The Lear Jet was 600 feet out and to the left .
30 In the third place , you may recall that I escorted you to your room at half-past twelve ; but the college gates are locked at midnight , from which it follows that I would have had to rouse the duty porter in order both to be let out and to be let in again , something he will most certainly confirm I did not do .
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