Example sentences of "out the fact " in BNC.

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1 It consists in pointing out the fact that , as soon as we use the stages as a type of classification , we find we have more doubtful borderline cases than typical ones , because of the great variation of social systems in history in different parts of the world .
2 ‘ Pray , sir , may I ask you , do you think that if St. Paul happened to be travelling with us and had passed the place where he was born , that he would have pointed out the fact to us ? ’
3 ( vi ) Teaching should bring out the fact that as speech typically takes place in a situation where both speaker and listener are present , it can be accompanied by gestures , and words like this , that , here , now , you etc , whereas writing generally requires greater verbal explicitness .
4 ‘ You do have an extraordinary rapport with this awful creature , ’ Biddy said , finding out the fact quite soon .
5 People embrace him as an all-conquering hero , but they miss out the fact that a lot of native Americans were butchered along the way before old Whitey took over the country .
6 ‘ Like , maybe your parents were just fattening you up until you would make a decent meal for these dragons , or it was an intelligence test ; the kids smart enough to have sussed out the fact there were dragons around were the ones that would survive , and the ones that just lay there , trusting , each night , deserved to die , and their parents could n't tell them or the dragons would eat them , and stories about dragons were the only clues you were ever given ; that was all the adults could do to warn you …
7 But Paul Ricoeur points out the fact that most such theories are simulations of our internalized grammar of narrative , which is based perforce on narrative structures that have been made common in the past ( 1986:139–40 ) .
8 Neither of them needed to spell out the fact that the ‘ he ’ they were talking about was Cashman .
9 Even if it is not technically required , it would no doubt be sensible police practice to spell out the fact that an arrest is imminent in the event of non-compliance .
10 You once let out the fact that you wished you were free of the burdens your family placed on you .
11 If he 'd explained at the beginning — and it did n't cancel out the fact that he 'd lied to her , did it ?
12 I have also seen the important comments of the CBI , which set out the fact that Britain now attracts nearly half of all the inward investment from Japan that comes to the European Community .
13 We spent some 200 hours , in Committee and on the Floor of the House , spelling out the fact that the tax was unfair , unworkable and extremely expensive to administer .
14 I repeat my view , which is shared by my constituents , that a squalid and cowardly decision was announced last week , spelling out the fact that there is one law for those with a voice in the Tory party and another for the ordinary individual in the urban and rural communities of Wales and England .
15 Whatever the actual reasons for this , in his own mind he 'd singled out the fact that she must have got married .
16 The heading for this section looks like a play on words , but it is intended to point out the fact that , while development control is one of the instruments by which planning policies are implemented , there are also policies relating to the actual operation of the control .
17 Be bec , the appalling thing is that they 're quite , they 're quite happy to spread this pain on those who are in the least position to burden it and they believe quite rightly and this , this is the I think , that exists between socialism and and and the Conservatism in that sense that whereas erm , you know opinion surveys bear out the fact that people are quite happy , those who can afford it to pay a little bit extra in terms of direct taxation for those service provisions , which are absolutely vital and these surveys have been conducted in public and they have been made quite er er open to the press , er , just before the last election particularly for the health authority and so forth .
18 And secondly erm the way the e the quote was made in the leaflet , does n't point out the fact that in the part of the road where it 's busiest , the part of the A fifty nine where it 's busiest and on the A six six one , that the reduction is in fact less than twenty percent .
19 This board of directors has just been spelling out the fact that we 're in big trouble ; we 're heavily in debt , we 're showing a … a net loss before taxation … we can barely afford this month 's wages bills , we ca n't meet half our orders … all that does n't just come blazing in overnight after an accident with the new singeing machine in the printing plant … ’
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