Example sentences of "out to a " in BNC.

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1 The lyricism that sells out to a state-ordained reality and solidarity is not the only lyricism we know , and it is the opposite of much of what we know by that name .
2 She held a book , reached out to a tall glass of pale gold wine , a twin to Jay 's .
3 IN THE FADING sepia postcards on sale in the antiquarian shop in Makhoul Street , General Henri Gouraud appears as a stiff little figure in a dark kepi , his right hand held out to a British officer .
4 ‘ We are not playing kick and rush , ’ he insisted when driving out to a friend 's hotel in the Derwent Valley below Consett , pausing now and then to savour the uncluttered Durham landscape , his heart for ever in the North-east of England .
5 It is a slight story , padded out to a mind-deadening 640 pages by the monotonous recital of the great redundant master plan itself .
6 The next minute you could be called out to a sudden death .
7 We all stepped out to a lively tune , Mrs MacDonald of Dunach .
8 ‘ I treated my own father abominably and no sin in my whole life now seems to be so serious , ’ Lewis blurted out to a correspondent twenty-five years after A. J. Lewis 's demise .
9 British filmmakers have always needed to face two ways , inwards towards the hopes and fears of the native audience to which they must address their pictures , and out to a broader , international public .
10 At a time when the feature industry was undergoing a re-examination and the documentary movement was split between filmmakers who felt that they should reach out to a cinema audience , and those like Grierson himself who preferred to exhibit films outside the theatre ( e.g. town halls , schools , etc. ) , the possibility was open for some sort of rapprochement between the documentary and the fiction film .
11 The first night we went out to a restaurant along the coast .
12 Mungo thought of the small boy farmed out to a stranger .
13 It is a hole dug out to a sufficient size to accommodate a sea kale forcing pot .
14 It will also rekindle suspicions among the Euro-sceptical wing of the Tory Party that the MEPs , led by Sir Christopher Prout , have sold out to a new brand of Euro-federalism , redolent of continental social and industrial consensus politics .
15 There is natural brick on the walls of their long family sitting room , which has open fireplaces and a children 's ‘ playspace ’ alongside the patio doors that lead out to a barbecue area and pool .
16 They shuffle out to a soft rhythmic crunching underfoot , reminiscent of how the boots of Napoleon 's legions must have sounded trudging back through the Russian snows .
17 But the ‘ stem ’ tapers out to a point , and in some cases had a whip-like flexibility ; the same structure has been interpreted as a ‘ tail ’ .
18 I decided to give her Arsenicum Album LM1 in a 100ml bottle and within 1 month she was feeling much better , her period had been the best she could remember and she 'd even been out to a party .
19 Following the end of cloth-making , the mill buildings were let out to a number of tenants , providing some employment .
20 Under competitive tendering requirements , the responsibility for the production of meals may be contracted out to a commercial organisation .
21 The huge main doors were gilt over bronze and led out to a stairway that swept up to an entrance vestibule lined with Algerian onyx . ’
22 For the second time in as many weeks , Alton firemen were called out to a night-time factory blaze to deal with a fire at Vessa Ltd in Paper Mill Lane .
23 This order may be obtained whether the courts are sitting or not , if a ‘ prima facie ’ case is make out to a judge of the High Court .
24 She was a very simple heroine who did nothing spectacular , never rowed out to a shattered vessel in a Force 10 gale nor carried a lamp amongst the cholera , but she was my inspiration at a very low moment .
25 Both he and Ted McMinn were fined by the club after breaking a New Year curfew by sneaking out to a late-night disco the night before a crunch match against Celtic .
26 At about six o'clock , I heard Dad going out to a meeting and presently Mum appeared with some food , but insisted I was to stay in my prison till morning .
27 For example , one person may find it nice to be rewarded for good work by being taken out to a slap-up dinner and another person may be embarrassed by the whole business and have preferred a quiet word of thanks .
28 The sight of the brigade turning out to a call , pulled by magnificent black horses , drew every child within half a mile of the Works main gates when the warning hooter sounded .
29 Thus , it may be desirable to draw a patient 's attention to any inconsistency between his expressed attitudes and his actual behaviour ( e.g. a therapist pointed out to a patient that the latter insisted that he wished to tackle some problem in his home yet arranged to go out every evening with his friends ) .
30 He had been doing voluntary work for young people , and they used to enjoy going dancing and out to a club for a drink on Saturday nights .
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