Example sentences of "who had become " in BNC.

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1 After this , Pound 's relations with England and the English were for the most part an aspect of his relations with that one of his erstwhile protégés who had become , surprisingly , a pillar of the English establishment — Eliot , editor of the Criterion .
2 Accordingly , article 119 did not apply to the Employment Secretary 's liability to make section 106 payments , and an employee who had become entitled to a state pension and was then dismissed for redundancy was not entitled to a payment from the Employment Secretary under section 106 .
3 He decided to leave this one for the moment but logged the fact that Jennifer Morgan had still been interested in , and comfortable with , the man who had become her sister 's fiancé .
4 Setting up of the Atomic Energy Research Establishment at Harwell had been agreed in October 1945 ; approval to build the first British atomic pile for the production of plutonium had been given in December ; the Chiefs of Staff had stated their requirement for a British manufactured atomic bomb in January 1946 ; William Penney ( later Sir William ) had begun to plan the Atomic Weapons Section of the Armaments Research Establishment , of which he was Director , in mid-1946 ; the Air Ministry placed its first requisition for an atomic bomb on the Ministry of Supply in August ; and Lord Portal , the wartime Chief of Air Staff , who had become Controller of Atomic Energy in the Ministry of Supply , sought a mandate from the Prime Minister to set atomic bomb development in train during the autumn of 1946 .
5 He had underestimated the new mood of his members who had become sick and tired of the never-ending series of disputes , which they knew in their consciences had been driving the Division ever closer to bankruptcy .
6 Ellen Wilkinson , with the passion of a true crusader who had become an MP for Jarrow , captured the essence of the life of this section of the working class when she wrote :
7 His main supporter was Philip Snowden , a life-long advocate of free trade and Gladstonian economics who had become his close friend , was in a similar category .
8 The young Hugh Gaitskell , who had become aware of the dangers of fascism on his visit to Austria in the summer of 1933 and was greatly influenced by Dalton , summed up the attitude of this group by arguing that a general strike against all wars was ‘ an invitation to the fascist aggressors . ’
9 But it had been she and Eleanor who had become the friends , though the distinction was never made in public .
10 Wild horses appeared in the shape of Tom Moran , a Yorkshire-born engineer who had become an official of the Thai Snooker Association after spending 20 years in the country .
11 Henry Tudor found that there was still considerable opposition to him becoming King , particularly from ‘ Yorkshire ’ pretenders , who included Margaret of Burgundy , for whom an Oxford tradesman called Simnel , crossed into England from Ireland , in the summer of 1487 , with a force of two thousand German mercenaries , but Henry — who had become King Henry VII , in September 1485 — raised a larger army and defeated them at Newark .
12 To stage the Exhibition , Prince Albert commissioned the services of Sir Joseph Paxton , who had become head gardener to the Duke of Devonshire , and had acquired a reputation for his effective building of large glass houses .
13 Many of the excursions I made with Wendy Anderson who had become a close friend .
14 On 20 April 1964 Lonsdale was exchanged for a British businessman , Greville Wynne , who had become involved in espionage and been imprisoned in Russia .
15 In the 1860s , the supply of cotton dried up because the Mexican cotton growers had started replacing North Americans , who had become involved in their civil war , as suppliers of cotton for England .
16 The ambiguities of the parent — child relationship in these last years are also evident from two Lancashire accounts , both by writers who had become trade unionists .
17 That was the first of several epic desert walks carried out by both groups and individuals from the SAS who had become cut off during the campaign in North Africa .
18 The founder was a man who had become interested in aviation during the thirties , spent the war in the South African Air Force and , on returning to civilian life , foresaw the opportunities that could be won with cheaply acquired and converted military aircraft .
19 ALLIES in the war who had become ‘ friends in peace ’ were welcomed in Farnham on Easter Monday 1950 .
20 However they were always odd cars to the crews and the maintenance men , who had become accustomed to English Electric equipment , and were not particularly well-liked .
21 It fell to Joseph Franklin , the Rochdale Manager , to succeed a man who had become a legend in his time , but whose legacy was not an easy one .
22 Two of the three involved have been mentioned in the previous section : first was Mrs Cummings ' daughter-in-law , who had become more content with continued home care after one year .
23 In 1845 , during CD 's stay in Rome , the Pope was Gregory XVI ( 1765–1846 ) , who had become Pope in 1831 .
24 Minna and Brenda are the two heroines in ‘ The Pirate ’ who had become fashionable shorthand reference for rural femininity .
25 He stated that he had met too many people who had become mentally disturbed by playing about with ideas and activities which have done them deep emotional damage .
26 He was accompanied by his Secretary , Dr. David Buxton , formerly headmaster at the Liverpool Institution for the Deaf and Dumb , who had become a convert to oral methods .
27 A few years ago , he said , he met an old friend who had become a policeman .
28 By 1937 , as a result of migration from rural Kaszubia , an influx of unemployed people from nearby Elbing and Marienburg , and the large number of Jews in transit through the city who had become trapped there after a change in US immigration policy , there were about 17,000 Poles — including Kaszubians , Danzig Poles , Polish immigrants and Polish Jews — living in the urban districts .
29 Finally , we 've wrought just so many major alterations to the basic ZZAP ! structure that we felt gamesplayers who had become tired of the old formula ought to get the chance to see for themselves just what improvements have been made .
30 Notable losses were Bailey and Read who had become professors at Glasgow and Liverpool respectively .
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