Example sentences of "who had see " in BNC.

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1 At all times , almost everyone who had seen a poll noticed that the Conservatives were top , but perceptions of which party was in second place varied sharply .
2 In the Pre-Campaign Wave a majority of those who had seen a poll thought the Alliance was second .
3 The percentage who had seen Labour in second place rose from a mere 13 per cent in the Pre-Campaign Wave to 78 per cent in the first fortnight and 95 per cent in the second .
4 Or would Eden think of the air marshals , and the children who had lost their parents in a blitz , and former warriors who had seen too much blood on a battlefield , and exercise a silent veto , by going for the second preference ?
5 Maggie was even more startled to find him alone when she came in and instantly relieved that she had n't allowed the boy who had seen her home from the village further than the road gate .
6 He let a dignified minute pass before going out himself , collecting Catherine , and dispatching Bruce to supervise the house-to-house interviews in Malplaquet Terrace , to see if anyone could be found who had seen the blue BMW arrive or caught sight of its driver .
7 He wondered who had seen Rose on her last day , and where ?
8 For a man who had seen his filly defeated , Barry Hills was not too disappointed in Soiree , especially in view of the extra furlong of the Classic and the likelihood that there will be a faster gallop .
9 The very title , Learning through Drama , pointed many teachers who had seen drama merely as a diversion offered in the name of self-awareness in a more positive direction .
10 The Poem was occasioned by her happening to hear that a Gentleman who had seen some of her Poems , wanted to know what her Person was
11 And in the Stop Hinkley Centre , Jill Sutcliffe , an experienced campaigner who had seen Luxulyan from the gantry head , was ready to encourage and advise the uncertain before they took the stage in front of the cold , piercing gazes of the lawyers and the Inspector .
12 He knew Alice James would identify Drew as the man who had seen near Oliver 's shop just after six , covered in blood .
13 Nicholson saw them around Sunset Strip and for a time they were joined by Elvis Presley , who had seen Rebel Without a Cause forty-four times and could speak Dean 's lines word perfect .
14 This latter was built by The Club of Czech Tourists who had seen the Eiffel Tower at the International Exhibition in Paris in 1889 .
15 The matron was a sceptical young woman who had seen many different injuries in her short time at the school and heard many bizarre explanations for them .
16 Mother , she who had seen so much , wanted one last triumph ; one final casting coup .
17 These two reports remain the source of almost all the information about the eruption ; the Royal Society in particular went to great lengths to amass every possible scrap of information and even inserted a notice in The Times requesting anyone who had seen or heard anything to come forward .
18 Just then Angela , who had seen her crossing the field , came running out of the farmhouse .
19 Bill Thompson and I , as the reporters who had seen the case through from start to finish , were invited officially to be present at the hanging in Regina Jail .
20 The names of the people are arbitrary labels , but the point of the sentence can not be grasped unless it is realized that the reason for the questioning was to find out what had happened from someone who had seen it .
21 She was an aristocrat and woman of royal blood , who had seen the throne pass in 518 not to her son ( who had married the Emperor Anastasius 's daughter ) , but to an uneducated provincial , Justin , the illiterate soldier-son of an Illyrian peasant .
22 But the vast increase in the Nazi vote came primarily from the impoverished middle classes who had seen their savings and living standards smashed in the wake of the Versailles Treaty and the Depression .
23 A very nice letter it was too , but just one of many from people who had seen me on television .
24 Who had seen enacted before him the last skirmish in the war which had now given him his own longed-for kingdom of Cyprus .
25 One of the notebook crowd climbed aboard and came into the dining car , inviting anyone who had seen anyone or anything suspicious the previous evening to please unbutton , but of course no one had , or no one was saying , because otherwise the whole train would have known about it by now .
26 In fact , Dustin was not unknown to Nichols , who had seen him in Journey of the Fifth Horse and had auditioned him for the Broadway musical The Apple Tree .
27 Equipped with Messerschmitt Bf109E fighters , the unit was composed of battle-hardened veterans who had seen much action during the fighting over England during the previous summer .
28 The doctor had come and given her two tablets to take , he had said there was n't a thing wrong with he that would n't be wrong with any red-blooded girl who had seen a fatal accident .
29 They had only three or four NCOs who had seen action before , and 50 replacement troops had never fired a rifle before they reached Sparrow Force .
30 Her limbs were graceful , her whole body proportioned like that of a young goddess ; as for her breasts , an infatuated young man who had seen her in a small part at Robert 's Shield Theatre wrote her a letter quoting the Song of Solomon at length : Asshe threatened to horsewhip him .
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