Example sentences of "who had the " in BNC.

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1 Rabbits would dash out of their losing darkness , and the village boys would chase them with sticks and yells , careful not to get in front of the two who had the guns .
2 I tried a pink old lady with the future of the universe mapped on her face with linear symbols just waiting to be decoded by anyone who had the wisdom and the patience to want to do so .
3 Whitton pulled ahead five minutes later when he cantered through a demoralised defence to shoot home unopposed , but it was Shakespeare ( who else ? ) who had the last word , breaking the strikers ’ monopoly with the eighth goal , 10 minutes from the end .
4 He beat Liz Edgar on Everest Rapier , who had the only other clear round of the jump-off .
5 His Excellency was accompanied by the following members of the Embassy , who had the honour of being presented to Their Royal Highnesses : Senhor Virgilio Marques de Faria ( Counsellor ) , Senhor Emilio Sofia Rosa ( Head of Protocol ) and Senhor Mario Alfredo ( Financial Attache ) .
6 Sir Patrick Wright ( Permanent Under Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs ) , who had the honour of being received by Their Royal Highnesses , was present and the Gentlemen of the Household in Waiting were in attendance .
7 If they had to be responsible for choosing the leaders of the Church , they needed information and their secretaries should be able to talk to people who had the information .
8 The squabbling in Cabinet over the formula on which the National Government was to fight the election was , in reality , a form of shadow-boxing : for , whatever the formula , it would be interpreted by those who had the power to interpret it , that is , the Conservative and protectionist majority .
9 It was the Akwapim people of southern Ghana , exposed to centuries of trading with Europe , who had the capital in the 1890s to hire porters and clear the forest in order to plant cocoa .
10 Even during her time at Harmondsworth there were other women who had the same experiences .
11 The elimination of Mr Santos , who had the support of President Jose Sarney has reduced the November 14 poll to a contest between the Workers ' Party candidate , Mr Luis Inacio da Silva , and Mr Leonel Brizola of the Democratic Labour Party for a place in the second round .
12 Other MPs who came close to defeat were the Militant supporter Mr Pat Wall ( Bradford North ) , and Mr Ron Brown ( Leith ) , the left-winger who had the whip withdrawn for a month for dropping the Mace .
13 Why should an applicant , who must in any event be prepared to satisfy the primary purpose test , be worse off because he contemplates the possibility of a relatively short stay in the UK than one who had the fixed intention of permanent UK residence ?
14 AN AMERICAN visitor to Panama who had the rare chance of meeting General Manuel Antonio Noriega said the dictator bore ‘ that look of doom on his face ’ .
15 He summoned his junior , Rajiv Sengupta , a rising star of thirty-six who had the job of co-ordinating financial assistance to industry in the regions , to worry with him .
16 The significance of this is that the head of it , who had the status of a minister , need no longer be approved by the Soviet parliament , with the potential embarrassment of being rejected .
17 As for Brian Redhead , a BBC radio presenter who had the temerity to call him a conspiracy , ‘ His failure to apologise meant that he never got another interview with Mrs Thatcher as prime minister . ’
18 It was Gustav Mahler and Richard Strauss who had the insight and courage to start , at the turn of the century , the long process of discovery and purification which is leading to a redefinition of Mozart .
19 What and who was behind the new Ali , the wily Washington lobbyist who had the ear of everyone from Strom Thurmond to Orrin Hatch ?
20 ‘ It was Nate himself who had the meetings fixed up , and he would n't want them changed . ’
21 Steve Cauthen had partnered Pebbles in her first three races of the season but Pat Eddery had ridden her with sublime confidence in the Champion Stakes when Cauthen was claimed for Slip Anchor , and it was Eddery who had the mount at Aqueduct .
22 For most of the eighties this post was held by Robin Catford — of whom more later — who had the privilege of having the tenancy of the best room in Number 10 .
23 It was the bishop who had the standing and the resources to carry out work originally incumbent on the local gentry : constructing new channels for a river , securing water supplies , maintaining fortifications , as well as the traditional tasks of organized charitable works : feeding the poor , housing the refugee , redeeming the captive .
24 For those ‘ Old Fighters ’ who had been enthusiastic Hitler supporters even before the demise of the Weimar Republic , for the direct beneficiaries of Nazism — the careerists , power-seekers , and apparatchiks who had the Third Reich to thank for their offices and careers in Party and State , and for the ideologically committed who had ‘ burnt their boats ’ with the Nazi regime , the belief in the Führer 's powers to bring about a miracle and achieve final victory in the face of all the odds was the blind faith rooted in self-interest and fear of the future .
25 I remember Geoff telling me this , tears streaming down his face , marvelling at how it was his children who had the strength to carry on , and that it was they who had this practical , yet profound way of reaching to the heart of the matter .
26 Unlike Glenn Gould — in many matters one of Karajan 's great soul-mates — Karajan did not abandon the concert-giving habit ; but , like Gould , he did unashamedly embrace recording technology to the full , the first conductor to do so in the wake of Stokowski , that would-be musico-technological pioneer who had the misfortune to be born thirty years too soon .
27 A man who wished to resist such turning could insist on keeping to the subject ; and forceful men who had the character of genial good nature could get away with open rebuttal of this kind ; but not all people who interrupted with open rebuttals acquired or maintained that character .
28 Now she was on her way to see a second cousin , who had the double misfortune of being a cripple and being married to a horrible man .
29 The great obstacle to the efficient economic exploitation of forests such as Salcey , said the Commissioners , was that ‘ the Interest in this Forest , exclusive of the Right of the Commoners , is divided between Three different Proprietors ’ — i.e. , the Crown , to which belonged ‘ the great Timber and Saplings ’ , the principal owner of the woodlands , in this case the Duke of Grafton , and the hereditary Warden of the Forest , who had the ‘ Care of the Deer ’ : by exercising his right of cutting ‘ Browsewood ’ for them , he prevented the proper growth of ‘ Timber Trees ’ .
30 I would like him to explain to the Americans , whose US banner had ‘ his ’ rings the size of footballs , or to the Swedes , who had the Olympic logo emblazoned across their tracksuits , and to the many other teams why Great Britain are not entitled to wear it .
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