Example sentences of "who come for " in BNC.

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1 Many of them pass it on to their wives ; 1% of the women who came for pre-natal tests at the hospital were HIV-positive .
2 And the girl who came for him was Young and Insolent and spoke to me as if I were some common washerwoman who must do as she was told which is not in my nature nor never was .
3 We saw a class of very able children , with minimal impairment , who came for a P.E./music and movement session .
4 If I could not believe in the sovereignty of God when it was my son lying there how could I tell someone who came for counselling , suffering the whims of a very insensitive partner , ‘ You continue to honour God in this situation .
5 He told the bailiff who came for him that he must shave , and suggested he stepped into his studio where on an easel he was confronted with the half finished Lazarus .
6 Of the students in my time , one has since become an archbishop , John Aung Hla ; another , John Maung Pe became the first bishop of Akyab , and another who came for a short term of study and an even shorter curacy was John Richardson , the saintly schoolteacher , catechist , priest and bishop in turn of Car Nicobar , where under his influence the whole of the island population , including witch doctors , became Christian .
7 Like the Dutch family who came for the half-term holiday in late February one year .
8 Most of the 1,500 crowd who came for the best objects on the last two days of the sale meanwhile , were just tourists , which made taking bids extremely difficult and fatiguing , Tajan said .
9 for Horncastle and together with this wife at Petwood played host to many Royal and prestigious guests , including George V and his son , later to become George VI , who came for tennis parties .
10 Certainly those who came for a meal with Dorothy Mellings — while Alice was there , with Jasper — tended to come in ones or twos , mostly women , perhaps needing Dorothy 's advice , or even to borrow money ; divorced friends — so many of the couples that had been to the Mellings 's in the good days had split up .
11 Of course his wife did visit me , but always with her daughters and other ladies who came for regular afternoon visits .
12 Gossip retailed by those selfsame people , the scions of higher platforms on the social scaffolding , who came for drinks at Cliff Top .
13 Viv Richards , who came for a quiet life , is left privately shaking his head and wondering whether there will ever be a perfect world — and a county side blissfully , permanently free from controversy .
14 No the men that was work oh the men that was just there was oh Those names was the one who came for the shooting season .
15 And this new form of entertainment was available not only to the ordinary citizens of the Republic but to the innumerable foreigners who came for commerce or pleasure .
16 They had had other help in the house too ; Mrs Eddy from the village who came for three hours every morning , and her daughter Jess who waited at table for dinner parties and helped with the clearing up after .
17 In 1991–92 , 27pc of people who came for advice from MARC owed more than £10,000 — compared with 8pc owing that amount the previous year .
18 ‘ The English who came for him , did they find the casket ? ’
19 And when he looked at her in mystification , as well he might , she realised , she went on , ‘ I 'd no idea until this morning that the same Naylor who came for you yesterday morning is my new boss ! ’
20 Erm it was actually somebody who came for an interview and you know how you sit in on the presentations when you do the group presentations ?
21 Those who come for the lakes will not be disappointed either .
22 My experience has been that entertainers who come for just the show have maximum impact and cause great excitement , especially if they arrive dressed up .
23 The patients whom I find most tragic are those who come for help in dealing with abuse which occurred fifty or sixty years ago , and which has often crippled them mentally and emotionally ever since .
24 It draws people who come for a fun day out and it provides for the serious ornithologist .
25 Designs are now being considered for small ice-lined cabinets for doctors ’ surgeries , so that doctors can have vaccines at hand to immunise any child who comes for treatment .
26 He likes to get other people — usually me , of course — to do the dirty work : make the awkward telephone call , tell the gardener who comes for four hours a week that he has ruined the asparagus bed , speak to Tom 's teacher about his appalling arithmetic .
27 You see the individual patient 's dilemma , we 've got no problem with the loner who comes for individual psychoanalysis they have been on their own th there 's no problem there , but but what about the group analytic situation ?
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