Example sentences of "who know the " in BNC.

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1 Those who know the life of P.B. Shelley , or of many another , will undoubtedly reflect that a man with this exalted view of the erotic life commonly makes a less reliable consort than one with more modest expectations .
2 The last lines quoted , which are also the last lines of the Canto , reveal this clearly for those who know The Cantos : the paradoxical coupling of the fluid ( the waves ) with the fixed ( the crystal ) is what Pound regularly sees as the essence of the authentic artifact .
3 Perhaps those who know the truth will be too lazy or too diffident or too poor to publish while whose who believe in error will be so rich , or well organized , or self-confident that they will control the presses and the television studios and dominate the ‘ free market in ideas ’ .
4 All over north Norway now this characteristic English reply is a trade mark of those who know the mighty Tor .
5 He is usually accompanied by a stalker and gillie , local men who are familiar with the herds and their habits , and who know the country like the back of their hands and can help lead those doing the shooting to the right place .
6 Those who know the children best can decide whether to splash out on a part-time assistant or a fancy computer .
7 One of the psalms says , ‘ Happy are the people who know the Lord as their God . ’
8 You should try to build up a network of people you trust , based on your professional support team who know the patient 's case in detail .
9 With Brian Kirkland and Colin Matthews ' 35 years combined experience in the aviation insurance business and over 2,000 hours at private and commercial pilot level it is clear that you are dealing with people who know the business from both sides .
10 These machines are chess-playing calculators ; even the weakest is better than the average chess player ( someone who plays at the median strength of all those who know the rules ) .
11 We have found that it is good to be factual and helpful on these occasions and that always one or two who live opposite , or round the corner or who know the building have been drawn in .
12 FENDER Super 60 amp , good condition , for those who know the difference , only £310 .
13 Those who join a local tinnitus group may find that being with others who know the problems and can share their experiences is comforting , even reassuring .
14 It is the community of those who know the rule of the King
15 The point to emphasise is that the data is only of help to those who know the patient and can build up a case history .
16 ‘ It can not be over-emphasised that statistics , if these are to have any meaning , should be gathered by those who know the churches well and who are concerned that the statistics reveal the truth .
17 Unbalanced for some , but those who know the area will agree that you can not make Moderates out of vertical rock .
18 Satisfaction for elderly people comes from being part of a cohesive group who know the rules , the politics and the history .
19 They are recruited from throughout Nepal and among the aircrews will be men who know the crash area intimately .
20 Newspapers , even ones unencumbered by the exceptional problems NoS was creating for itself , need quick decisions and highly interventionist managers who know the business inside out .
21 The reason for this jealous safeguarding of a natural heritage is apparent to , and surely supported by , all who know the area .
22 Of course , the author will usually give the community a fictitious name , and also change the names of all key informants , but those who know the community concerned , and certainly all those who live t.n it , will not have much difficulty in identifying who is who .
23 Secrecy confers power on those who know the secret while those who do not are at a disadvantage .
24 Other literacies make use of different convention and may , for instance , without any loss of clarity for those who know the rules , not mark sentence boundaries at all .
25 Children who know the meaning of more or of both more and less are careful to distinguish them from each other and from nonsense words introduced in the same setting .
26 Organizations are managed by people who know the business and know how the various aspects of the business are related and how they operate .
27 Organizations that are successful in integrated designing are often started and run by outstanding individuals who know the business , like Morita , Hewlett and Packard .
28 ‘ But she 's very like a lot of women I know , who have scarves knotted on their shoulders , and who know the difference between collagen and silicone , and who kiss Jasper Conran at parties . ’
29 Only a fraction of those who know the Oberland are acquainted with the Bernest Mitteland — except perhaps for the capital city , Bern itself , which lies near the centre of it .
30 My professional friends , British , Europeans and Americans , who know the Middle East , have been most supportive , many are even apologetic .
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