Example sentences of "who do [indef pn] " in BNC.

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1 The threat of cuts in Bonn 's support of Berlin gives Kewenig extra power to be selective , which accords well with his own views : ‘ I want to discriminate and give money to people who do something ’ .
2 since I am one of those people who do something the wrong way round , if there is the slightest opportunity , I also inserted the needle incorrectly the first time only spotting my mistake when I read on and found that I could not follow the next instruction if my needle was at the back of the work .
3 I 'm not saying that 's not , but that 's the reason bloody vegetarian 's again all people who do something that they do n't have to always shout about it and try and turn every one else like it
4 The world is now full of literary critics , some held to be important , who do nothing else but write literary criticism , and they all work in universities .
5 She has criticisms against statutory agencies who do nothing about this for fear of being branded racists .
6 NME has yet to print anything nasty about Kingmaker , and I wish they 'd hurry up and do something because NME are a completely unchallenging and boring music paper who do nothing to contribute to today 's thing .
7 ‘ I 'm tired of reading and hearing about bands who do nothing but slag off their first record , and blame the producer for not getting it right .
8 Who do nothing else but phone businesses and organizations and surgeries and golf clubs and tell them about our products .
9 I would have to ask whether it is right to use the measure to reward people who did something two years ago , or whether it would be better to use the money to encourage people to continue the process in the future .
10 When faced with that choice this summer , I chose to encourage people to continue to develop computerisation in primary health care rather than simply to reward directly those who did something very valuable — there is no doubt about that , or about the fact that they did it at their own risk — some years ago .
11 exactly but every body who did something like being vegetarian or what 's the other thing ? , goes to church , church people are the bloody worse
12 And so , after General Marshall had spent a night in meditation on the consequences , the failed haberdasher from Independence , Missouri , took on the seventy-year-old national warhorse with his belligerent scowl , his dark glasses and his frayed , oak-leaf-encrusted battle cap ( he was believed to have a man on his staff who did nothing but fray his caps ) .
13 If I regurgitate this , it is simply to put down a vote of censure from this column on ministers , particularly Douglas Hogg of the Foreign Office , who did nothing to prepare for the eventuality of oil slicks .
14 My thoughts rippled out to the airport , then to the bus to Chinchero , to the large numbers of people who were there , who must have seen what was going on , who did nothing .
15 Thus , in the case of a patient who did nothing more t n refuse further treatment , there could be no liability on the part of the doctor for aiding and abetting under section 2 .
16 She was a very simple heroine who did nothing spectacular , never rowed out to a shattered vessel in a Force 10 gale nor carried a lamp amongst the cholera , but she was my inspiration at a very low moment .
17 Shadow Chancellor Gordon Brown slammed the ‘ arrogant complacency ’ of Ministers who did nothing for homeowners , the unemployed or small businesses .
18 Let me repeat Edmund Burke 's remark : ‘ Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could only do a little . ’
19 Indeed , the outermost , ninth sphere might be dispensed with altogether since it was only required to produce the daily motion of the planetary spheres and fixed stars — an economy that would be in keeping with a God who did nothing in vain .
20 Instead of promoting a situation in which everyone is itching to do something positive for the good of the Tour , we merely ended up with a handful of players who did nothing but complain . ’
21 However , the Botswana bushmen delegation at the Namibia meeting was described by Survival International as a hand-picked group who did nothing but sing the praises of their government .
22 Those who did nothing , they can eas , easily increase their giving by twenty one percent , it 's still the same !
23 erm now professional mathematicians people who did nothing but that the whole the community used to bring them
24 I had servants who did everything .
25 The Hereford defence fell to pieces , apart from Judge who did everything and more to try to keep them out .
26 Although I 'm not being like one of these people who does everything and then tells everyone not to do it .
27 I feel it 's all wrong that the single one in the family should be the one who does everything .
28 A teacher who does nothing but teach and leaves morals , religion , and entertainment to the family and the home is more like an expert , less like a nanny or a parent .
29 Look at the plot for Double Dragon , where the big , butch males are sent t rescue the helpless female who does nothing but scream — is it really any wonder that home computing has become an all-male preserve ?
30 Clearly , the recipient who does nothing does not enter into a contract to buy the goods and therefore is not bound to pay .
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