Example sentences of "who call for " in BNC.

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1 But that is n't good enough for Mr Mitchell , who calls for a new regulatory regime .
2 ‘ I have asked Uncle Orrin to tell everyone who calls for me that I am not ‘ at home ’ .
3 Later in the day security forces stormed a candlelight protest march , beating young people who called for peaceful change .
4 Mr Robin Cook , Labour 's health spokesman — who called for an early contest — and Mr Donald Dewar , Scottish spokesman , were among the first senior party figures publicly to throw their weight behind the Shadow Chancellor 's campaign .
5 This was echoed by J. H. Matthews , recently-retired Southern District Secretary , who called for fresh efforts to recruit manual workers as voluntary branch members and held that , ideally , Tutorials were the courses which should be provided : ‘ what the WEA has emphasised and needs more thoroughly to practise is the importance of substantial and continuous study , particularly in the social sciences , as the major element in its work ’ although ‘ well conceived short courses will have their place ’ .
6 It was the Social Democratic and Labour Party leader , John Hume , who called for maximum attendance by English , Scottish and Welsh MPs at the recent special Commons debate on Northern Ireland .
7 Most recently , the Cadbury Committee said that it was not persuaded by those who called for such a limitation .
8 Much to his relief he was finally arrested — and appeared in front of the judge who called for him to be brought before the court back in 1990 .
9 But this harsh action was condemned by Reagan who called for punitive measures against the Eastern bloc , threatened to cut off all talks with Moscow and asked that Western aid be ended for an oil-gas pipeline which was being constructed from Soviet Siberia into Europe .
10 He 'd rapped on the open door as he 'd passed it , and said , ‘ Who called for International Rescue ? ’
11 Because of the amount involved , Mike alerted Barbara who called for the cards to be queried .
12 It would seem to be doubtful whether a fall of this magnitude was commensurate with the effort put in by those who called for a boycott , that is , Provisional Sinn Fein , I RSP , Unity and Fathers Faul and Murray .
13 Green Party TD , Trevor Sargent , who called for a debate on the matter , said that , as a result , the injured elephant could not feed itself .
14 A national " mass of reconciliation " was proposed for Aug. 15 by the " revolutionary Peronism " faction of the ruling Justicialist Party , including the remnants of the Montoneros , who called for reconciliation with the armed forces and an amnesty for their imprisoned leader Mario Firmenich [ see p. 35561 ] ; this mass was to have been attended both by former Montonero guerrillas and by military officers from the dirty war , but was cancelled by the Church when it became clear that certain officers were using it to support their demand for an amnesty .
15 Claiming that the allied forces had a " game plan " which was being followed , he said that he sympathized with the motives of those who called for an indefinite air campaign , but that any decision on the launching of a ground offensive would be based on military advice ; there would be no " delay for the sake of delay , hoping that it would save lives " .
16 Opinion was divided between participants such as President Menem of Argentina ( supported by Uruguay ) who called for free elections in Cuba , and President Carlos Salinas de Gortari of Mexico who ( together with Brazil , Colombia and Venezuela ) was optimistic about forthcoming change after hosting two meetings with Cuba at Guadalajara and Cozumel during 1991 .
17 A rally in Moscow on the evening of March 17 attracted about 70,000 demonstrators who called for the restoration of the Soviet Union .
18 The hum of conversation was interrupted by Richard Ryder , who called for silence for the Prime Minister , and John Major had just started a short speech of thanks to their host , not only for his hospitality , but also for his creativity , when there was a thunderous noise of shouting and breaking glass outside .
19 In Germany as in Britain and France they tended to focus on demands for a standing committee of the legislature with powers to enquire into , and supervise the conduct of , foreign policy ; and here too there were radicals and peace campaigners who called for diplomacy to be made more open and its processes easier for the public in general to understand .
20 The conference agreed that Russia was the principal source of Arctic pollution , an accusation largely accepted by Russian Environment Minister Viktor Danilian , who called for foreign assistance with pollution abatement and modernization of key industries , notably nickel , copper and cobalt processing in northern Siberia and on the Kola Peninsula .
21 He was found unconscious on the pavement by a dustman , who called for an ambulance .
22 The whole planning system came under fire from several quarters , including Mr Hague who called for reforms so that associated pylons and cabling would be considered when planning applications for power stations were submitted .
23 DARLINGTON manager Frank Gray says he sympathises with fans who called for his dismissal after Saturday 's home defeat .
24 ‘ To put this rent increase on the council house tenant at the same time as a rise in poll tax is n't on , ’ said Coun Moore , who called for an increase of £1.50 per week .
25 The directors understand they have a credibility problem with the supporters who called for the sacking of the board at the end of last week 's drawn home game with Partick Thistle .
26 David Winnick , the Labour MP for Walsall North , who called for Mr Birt 's removal , said : ‘ I very much regret that Mr Birt decided not to offer his resignation , which would have saved the governors a great deal of embarrassment . ’
27 Men who can cling to overhanging rocks thousands of feet above their companions , men who climb into perilous situations in the knowledge they are inches from death , men who are strong enough and man enough to meet any physical challenge , these are the men who call for their mum when they find they left the jungle Formula back in the car .
28 Those who call for ‘ violent young thugs ’ to be locked up should understand a little more and condemn a little less , he says .
29 Many people who call for benefit increases in a discussion on whether or not to operate a minimum wage , mysteriously lose their voice in debates to enhance welfare payments ( Sam Brittan and Joe Rogaly , both from the Financial Times stable , are honourable exceptions to this rule ) .
30 The state-controlled Egyptian newspaper al-Akbar said that the new government was " controlled by hawks , shedders of blood and the most mad extremists who call for war " and that " it is a government to cause regional disasters " .
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