Example sentences of "her [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 The morning was her usual time for coming , a flurry of nurses preceding her , squaring comers of blankets , clearing lockers , thumping pillows , crisp and antiseptic as they swept through .
2 It was her usual time .
3 Erm Joanna 's coming in I think at erm her usual time .
4 her usual time
5 He had kissed her and left , giving her ample time in which to dress , to comb her hair , to apply lipstick to lips which were softly bruised by her lover 's ardour .
6 Ven would love it if , though he 'd given her ample time , she kept him waiting .
7 The landlady is clearly not yet up and about , suggesting there is little chance of her serving breakfast earlier than her declared time of seven thirty .
8 Fortunately she had become interested in the art and history of the city and spent most of her free time visiting galleries , museums and churches .
9 Paula spent most of her free time alone , window shopping , visiting News Theatres , where she sometimes watched the programme of cartoons twice round , and drinking endless cups of Espresso coffee in cafés and coffee houses .
10 She spends much of her free time with boyfriend Andy , 23 , who works as a forklift truck driver .
11 She had kept her looks and her health , and had spent her free time productively with a variety of projects and committees .
12 It was after this that Mrs Kelsall , a midwifery sister and joint team leader , embarked on a project that was to take up most of her free time for the next two years .
13 Beth Archer , a photography student , spends her free time photographing the natural world of Raintree Wood .
14 Ms Streisand , in the same paper , claimed that the press would be happier if she spent her free time shopping , and pointed out , quite fairly , that she and the others at the correspondents ' dinner had been invited there .
15 She did n't smoke and never drank , preferring to spend her free time reading , watching television , visiting friends or going out for supper in modest bistros .
16 As the days meandered into each other she found herself spending all her free time painting , even though she had known almost from the start that painting him was not going to exorcise him .
17 Then , it had added another stamp of ‘ difference ’ on a child whose father rarely appeared in the family home and who spent most of her free time in the company of paid supervisors .
18 A devoutly religious person , she has arranged for our interview to take place in the church where she spends much of her free time , in advance of today 's Good Friday service .
19 Most of her free time was spent in Water Gypsy 's main cabin , reliving the memories it held for her .
20 She has spent her free time researching the book and is now looking for a publisher .
21 She only had two weeks from her free time .
22 Easy enough to fill her empty time , time without love , without Lucy .
23 The foliage in the park was turning to burnished gold and Rachel knew that in a few short weeks the temperature would drop , the leaves would fall and once again her favourite time of year would be over .
24 He had chosen this woman specifically because she was the sort she was — a simple type , immediately responsive to the baby , no outside involvements , so she was free to give her entire time to him , willing to do without time off while the baby was still on the breast , and not expecting the massive salary most women would want for a job like this .
25 Slightly bemused , she realised that the businesslike urgency appeared to be entirely on her side , in spite of the earlier impression that he knew how busy she must be , that he had no wish to waste any of her valuable time
26 Joanne 's commitment to the next 12 months will leave her little time for the hobbies that she enjoyed before tennis came along .
27 Giving her little time to question this version of the truth , he swings the car off the main road all concrete and glass buildings and turns down a tiny side street .
28 The work was leaving her little time for herself and so she decided to simplify the task .
29 She saw herself wheeled along white corridors , wired up to huge machines that clicked , whirred , and flashed lights : this was her greatest fear , that she might be kept alive artificially by machinery , a mumbling vegetable , after her natural time to die had arrived .
30 It was a day of sweet triumph for Kylie , her long time friend Jason and Stock , Aitken and Waterman , the musical masterminds behind them .
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