Example sentences of "make new [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Bill Mishkin 's just made New Canaan , Connecticut , March 1 to April 14 , without so much as a single shooting , beating , or naked buttock from one end to the other !
2 The legislation , which is the first of its kind in the common-law world , was seen as clarifying and putting the law beyond doubt , rather than making new law .
3 If this House were to apply such a principle it would involve going beyond what any of the authorities have decided , departing from such decisions as Slater v. Burnley Corporation ; William Whiteley Ltd. v. The King and Twyford v. Manchester Corporation which have stood for many years and would involve making new law .
4 The legislature has the function of making new law or amending or repealing existing law .
5 Keep it loose , you are not planting yet ; the purpose is simply to hold the bushes steady , to protect the roots from drying out and keep them in an environment that will encourage them to begin making new growth .
6 Recycled glass is called ‘ cullet ’ and for every tonne of cullet used in making new glass , 29 gallons of fuel oil and 1.2 tonnes of raw materials are saved .
7 He fully accepts that there is the problem of the car 's contribution to the greenhouse effect and the way it is making new car buyers more critical and raising their expectations .
8 Another set of ingredients , known as the ribosomes , are responsible for making new protein molecules .
9 Collecting and cleaning some types of plastic for recycling uses more energy than making new plastic .
10 The particular pieces of action which Freud was seeking to understand and explain were important limiting cases which , in the context of discovery , made new theory imaginable .
11 If he believes he should make new law democratically , in the spirit of the present legislature or the present climate of popular opinion , he might turn to past decisions as evidence of what the legislature or public is likely to think or want , for example .
12 Seventy nine per cent of people who make New Year 's resolutions keep them only a week .
13 Mr. Secretary Lang , supported by Mr. Secretary Rifkind , Mr. Secretary Clarke , Mr. Michael Forsyth and Mr. Francis Maude , presented a Bill to make new provision about further and higher education in Scotland ; and for connected purposes : And the same was read the First time ; and ordered to be read a Second time tomorrow and to be printed .
14 Using Bank Securities Affiliates to Make New Share Issues to Repay Unprofitable Loans
15 For used money to be viable it has to be seen to make new money .
16 The billet has to be highly dense and of high integrity and will be used to make new kilogram mass standards .
17 The agreement , under which the government expected to save $1,000 million , included options for the creditor banks ( i ) to make new bond loans carrying a 15-year maturity and seven-year grace period before payment of interest which would be equivalent to 20 per cent of their exposure ; ( ii ) to offer 30 per cent discounts on bonds for loans swaps in return for guarantees on principal and interest payments and additional payments after six years if oil prices rose beyond a specified level ( thought to be $26 per barrel ) ; ( iii ) to cut interest rates to 5 per cent for two years before gradually raising them ; or ( iv ) to allow the Venezuelan government to buy back existing loans at larger discounts ( estimated to be 60-65 per cent ) should the banks be willing to take the loss .
18 However , as I have already remarked , I do not consider that it would be appropriate for this House to make new law in this instance .
19 The conventionalist holds , as I just said , that there is no law in cases like McLoughlin , and that a judge must therefore exercise a discretion to make new law , which he then applies retrospectively to the parties to the case .
20 Strict conventionalism must claim a " gap " in the law , which calls for the exercise of extralegal judicial discretion to make new law , whenever a statute is vague or ambiguous or otherwise troublesome and there is no further convention settling how it must be read .
21 He would then acknowledge that there was no law , and he would have no further concern for consistency with the past ; he would proceed to make new law by asking what law the present legislature would make or what the people want or what would be in the community 's best interests for the future .
22 It may now be said , however , that a self-conscious conventionalist would indeed ponder over past doctrine in the way actual judges do , not for evidence of popular opinion but more directly , because any lawmaker must take care to make new law consistent with old .
23 A conventionalist judge exercising his discretion to make new law must pay particular attention to this danger because his power to change existing law is very limited .
24 We have already noticed the sense in which conventionalism is bilateral : it insists that if no decision of some case can be found within the explicit extension of a legal convention one way or the other , the judge is obliged to make new law as best he can .
25 Yes Chairman the the main provisions of I five are to make new land provisions .
26 It takes twenty times as much energy to make new aluminium as it does to melt down recycled aluminium , four times as much energy to make new steel as recycled , almost twice as much to create new paper and half as much again to make new glass .
27 THE United States will continue to make new nerve gas weapons after the conclusion of a global treaty banning them takes effect , according to a hitherto secret administration policy review .
28 It takes twenty times as much energy to make new aluminium as it does to melt down recycled aluminium , four times as much energy to make new steel as recycled , almost twice as much to create new paper and half as much again to make new glass .
29 It takes twenty times as much energy to make new aluminium as it does to melt down recycled aluminium , four times as much energy to make new steel as recycled , almost twice as much to create new paper and half as much again to make new glass .
30 Which makes new Gold for Cooking just about the only way you can cut down on fat without cutting out most of your favourite dishes .
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