Example sentences of "make other people " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 've always seen dealing as making other people look at what I 'm enthusiastic about .
2 One belonged to a family with a long history of ill-health ; another was a slattern with a fondness for the bottle ; yet another had a family who had a habit of making other people 's homes their own .
3 Billy Bragg has the unusual gift of making other people 's songs his own by the simple expedient of singing them .
4 Instead , The Charlatans are using the States to ‘ warm up for the British tour ’ and to break in new songs such as ‘ Rainbow Kisser ’ and another one about ‘ people making other people into gods ’ ( Work that one out folks ! ) .
5 He 's making other people do as he did .
6 Instead , The Charlatans are using the States to ‘ warm up for the British tour ’ and to break in new songs such as ‘ Rainbow Kisser ’ and another one about ‘ people making other people into gods ’ ( Work that one out folks ! ) .
7 You take Shallot 's advice on this : the power of witchcraft lies in what you can make other people think .
8 If they do n't , they wo n't make other people feel comfortable either .
9 Irene Daniels , who 's the programme 's researcher says ‘ if you have a clip that makes you and your family laugh , then it 's odds on it 'll make other people laugh too ’ .
10 Nenna 's character was faulty , but she had the instinct to see what made other people unhappy , and this instinct had only failed her once , in the case of her own husband .
11 When we feel guilty we make other people feel that way as a denial of our own sense of pain .
12 ‘ Comment : When you make other people laugh , you defend yourself against them taking you too seriously .
13 May we try to do something to make other people 's lives happier and easier — even those people who seem to be doing nothing at all to help us .
14 May we open our eyes to the problems in the world around us and may we do whatever we can to make other people 's lives happier .
15 These , they argued , tended to make other people 's work less interesting and responsible ( which also weakened their case for higher pay ) .
16 Children are often very good at this , but they are happy in their own dream worlds and do not try to make other people believe them .
17 The desire to make other people do what you want ?
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