Example sentences of "make up of " in BNC.

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1 Our Home Care teams are made up of doctors and nurses backed by a network of trained and active volunteers .
2 Along with the thousands of appeal letters sent as a result of Amnesty 's campaign , perhaps the clearest direct pressure is being exerted by the Sri Lanka Aid Consortium , made up of donor governments and multi-lateral institutions .
3 It could be argued that these groups were formed as much for sociability as for making money , being made up of friends or acquaintances , but at any event their reasons fell short of promoting definite artistic programmes .
4 A film is made up of a series of shots that may be photographed over various periods of time ; a ‘ take ’ that may have originally started out as three or four minutes in length may eventually be edited to a ten second shot .
5 This extract is made up of two consecutive speeches to Jessica ; either speech can be played for an audition , but if you have the time to do them both together the extract works well .
6 The labour movement in Ireland was made up of two organizations .
7 The committee was largely made up of Roman catholic clergy , and they clearly opposed the appointment on the grounds that a protestant could not be trusted to safeguard the catholic morals of her charges in her purchase and loaning of books .
8 Yeast is made up of millions of tiny fungus cells which literally go berserk when confronted by a liquid rich with sugars .
9 This poem is generally agreed to be made up of material from different dates and there are considerable textual differences between manuscript versions .
10 The compound leaves , orange scarlet in autumn , are unpaired pinnate , made up of nine to 15 leaflets .
11 Apple trees are made up of two parts , the fruiting variety and the rootstock .
12 Although it is mostly made up of perennial plants which will come up fresh in spring , there are one or two evergreen shrubs added for structure : an upright rosemary and a couple of spiky yuccas .
13 Team sizes can be varied but they are always made up of an odd number of competitors .
14 Montreal is an unusual city , made up of 50 villages which have grown and merged together over the years to form the modern conurbation : about 100 square kilometres in size ( 60 square miles ) , encircled by the St. Lawrence River .
15 Muscles are made up of fibres which have different mechanical properties , and two of the main groups of fibres are called fast twitch fibres and slow twitch fibres .
16 The stomach muscles are made up of several muscle groups , the most important being the rectus abdominis and the external oblique .
17 The rake is made up of early Mk2 and Mk1 coaches .
18 The train is made up of Mk2a and C stock in Provincial ‘ Trans-Pennine ’ colours with Mk1 full brake in blue and grey at the rear .
19 It was ‘ the establishment ’ , or one very thick and influential layer of it ; but it certainly was not made up of stuffed shirts and Colonel Blimps along with their twittering wives .
20 It is well established that any Palestinian delegates must be acceptable to all parties : if this were not already the case , the Palestinian delegation would be made up of PLO members .
21 The planning officer is an employee of the council who handles the application up to the point when it is put to the planning committee , made up of elected councillors , for a decision .
22 The Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea ( CGDK ) , made up of the Khmer Rouge , the Sihanoukists and the KPNLF , is recognised by the United Nations .
23 It is almost entirely made up of Issaq people , the clan of northern , formerly British , Somalia .
24 It also reveals that 18.9 per cent of households , 434 in all , are made up of people who have retired to the Dales and of these some 54 per cent previously lived outside Yorkshire .
25 The band , made up of sophisticated London rich boys , never really looked happy as teen heart-throbs .
26 Made up of four 30-minute scenes , in each of which the same people say and do the same things in the same setting , Roll On Friday , it is no surprise to learn , has been developed into a five-year television series in New Zealand and Australia .
27 In most gardens the show must be made up of performers that can do a spring or summer act as good as their autumn one .
28 After all , if you can borrow ( or exchange your existing UK mortgage where you are paying rates at the highest level in real terms for over a century ) for a Swiss franc mortgage at around 9.5 per cent , a mark mortgage at just under 10 per cent , an Ecu mortgage ( Ecu is the European currency unit which is made up of a ‘ basket ’ of 10 currencies including sterling ) at about 10 per cent or a Japanese yen mortgage at just under 8 per cent , why not do so ?
29 Class 1 NI are made up of the employer 's share , which you pay , and the employee 's share , which you can deduct from your employee 's pay .
30 Defending the family as the centre of human life and the village as the basic social unit Eliot expresses his preference for London over other cities since it remains characteristically made up of a collection of villages whose borders touch , each maintaining its own local character .
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