Example sentences of "make she the " in BNC.

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1 I think she must have seen a lot of things at that time which had made her the way she was , seen things in the blackout and in the underground stations .
2 A long , indented coastline , with many harbours on both the Atlantic and the Mediterranean , gave her easy access to the oceans and had made her the economic centre of the world .
3 Mrs Grandison , the mother of Sophia and Penelope , had the remains of her daughters ' Pre-Raphaelite beauty , now much faded and overlaid with some other quality , which had made her the President of the Women 's Institute in the village where she lived but which did not seem to be quite Pre-Raphaelite .
4 Her own family has suffered the anguish of repossession , and her personal story of how her local Liberal Democrat-controlled council helped them made her the winner in the school 's mock election .
5 But it was Susannah 's passionate appeal to the girls to support her party because she believes the Liberal Democrats care about the homeless that made her the winner .
6 Il Moro won , becoming the first challenger to claim a finals place , while Nippon 's loss to New Zealand made her the first to be eliminated .
7 We had a considerable degree of pity for Mrs Sugden , whose feeble-mindedness made her the butt of her husband 's callous disposition .
8 ‘ In practical terms ’ , Luxemburg 's biographer , Peter Nettl , comments , ‘ Rosa Luxemburg 's opposition to the PPS ( Polish Socialist Party ) , and its policy of self-determination made her the most efficient ally of the SPD 's ( German Social Democratic Party 's ) policy of organizational integration for minorities in Germany ’ .
9 Ethel ran out of the door with the frightening single-mindedness that later made her the most successful Tiller Girl .
10 It was this certainty that made her the leader .
11 Her population , geographical position , army and industrial strength made her the leading continental nation .
12 Which made her the last person to know how to handle this evening 's adventure .
13 In Soho , hell-bent on a good time , her tremendous vitality made her the female counterpart of Minton .
14 A contract is a bargain and the bargain was that the Company made her the promise in the advertisement and she in return bought one of their smoke balls from a retailer .
15 that 's why we made her the supervisor
16 Did that make her the same as Amelia as the others ?
17 MOUNTAIN adventurer Rebecca Stephens was yesterday thought to have set off on the final stage of a climb which will make her the first British women to reach the top of Everest .
18 You must be gentle with her , you must protect her all your lives , she 's your little sister , you must make her the apple of your eye .
19 Morality and religion open the door to oppression but in focusing so sharply on the woman 's role they make her the central symbol of the culture .
20 IT IS not a new idea to take an impressionable , imaginative girl and make her the saviour of a man on the run , providing food , warmth and emotional support .
21 DAYFLOWER a strong finishing fifth in the Newmarket 1000 gns , may find conditions more to her liking at the Curragh tomorrow and I make her the selection for the Irish ‘ 1000 ’ .
22 By April Gallup found only 24% of voters satisfied with her performance , making her the least popular Prime Minister since opinion polling had begun .
23 Sister Murphy had been the last nurse to be with Sister Edith Cavell , and King George V had honoured her by making her the first to receive a medal for bravery at one of his levees .
24 She has amassed a £94 million fortune through her family 's food , hotel and banking chain , making her the nation 's 13th richest woman .
25 She did not thank this nun for making her the centre of attention .
26 The sight of her had pierced him , making her the enterer , had she but known it , and him the entered .
27 I heard him at it several times , pretending to joke his daughter , but in fact making her the butt of his mockery .
28 The posting , which places her in command of some 12,000 soldiers across four counties , makes her the first woman brigadier to be appointed to a command role .
29 This strength makes her the centre of the family and the one responsible for keeping members together .
30 It makes her the most powerful woman in Hollywood and outstrips deals signed by Michael Jackson , Prince and Madonna .
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