Example sentences of "make [noun pl] the " in BNC.

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1 Books about childhood appear on every level , from those in which specialist communicates only with specialist , through all types of handbook for readers with a vocational interest in children , to those in which the expert and the less expert , with equal show of authority , make parents the target of their beliefs ( substantiated or not ) on how children ‘ should ’ be brought up .
2 In addition , the BLA argued that unlimited liability generated claims by encouraging unjustified risk-taking by solicitors , clients and lenders alike , and also made solicitors the first target for loss recovery when the fault occurred .
3 Certainly it would n't be because staff sit around the lounge at night and make guests the butt of practical jokes . ’
4 As the hon. Gentleman knows , whenever we make comparisons the figures that we quote are adjusted backwards to ensure that we quote them on a truly comparable basis in all instances .
5 When the first English settlers sailed up the Chesapeake Bay on America 's eastern coast , they found an estuary worthy of Samuel Taylor Coleridge 's fable — vast , limpid and dense with marine life , sustained by the unique mix of brackish water and nutrients that make estuaries the richest marine incubators in the world .
7 She waited all day for the Kurd to return , but he failed to do so ; and when she made enquiries the next morning she was told that he had left the town within minutes of conducting her to the priest 's house .
8 Harvey said , ‘ The sooner you get it through your head that this organization does n't make slip-ups the sooner you can relax and stop bugging me . ’
9 When making directions the court 's aim is to avoid repeated examinations or assessments .
10 making explanations the other way round .
11 Most of the legislative changes over the last twenty years , for example , have had the effect of increasingly making teachers the implementors of a job description that has been concocted elsewhere .
12 Clearly the review might shift this balance making pensions the obvious target .
13 But there are anyway other anecdotes which for what they are worth trace the origin of political professionalism to dates earlier than Kleon : a Byzantine lexicon called the Suda , for instance , makes Pericles the first to take a written speech into court , while for Aristotle ( Cic .
14 Pericles , no less than Kleon , was proof that knowledge , even or especially routine knowledge , is power , and it is that which makes Pericles the greatest demagogue of them all .
15 In the Federal Republic this hollowness of the political parties is already evident in their largely successful attempts to make parties the beneficiaries of the state and members of parliament state employees .
16 This should not be exaggerated : the Spartan Lichas ( Thuc. viii.39 ) has the Cyrenaean patronymic Arkesilas ( cp. too p. 189f. for Pharax and Lysander ) ; and a remarkable passage in Herodotus ( ix.76f. ) makes Fausanias the Regent in 479 BC acknowledge a xenia ( guest-friendship ) with a man from Kos in the Dodecanese .
17 Every time the child makes demands the parent provides a retort and opens up the possibility of more interaction about the demand .
18 Orwell makes miners the core of his chronicle , they are the essential man and the essential worker , but the equation between work and masculinity depends on an exclusion — women .
19 He could have stayed at home since , in the year of his journey , Famous Players-Lasky set up its own studio in Islington , to make films the American way .
20 It is this emphasis on the signifier at the expense of the signified which makes poetics the type of discourse most favoured and fostered by structuralism .
21 But the harder she tried not to make mistakes the more they seemed to occur .
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